Monday, April 16, 2007

Shooting At Virginia Tech

This is truly a tragedy. However, it is almost impossible to stop or avoid a situation that is well planned out as this has been described. We as citizens would lose many rights, privileges and benefits in an attempt to prevent this.

I am not aware of the shooter, his identity or mental heath. But say he was seemingly normal, how do you prevent that? You can’t. On the other hand, undoubtedly this person had some number of friends or family. Were there any clues, regarding his mental health or possibly a motive based on retaliation. If there are clues of some sort to detect a change in a persons life, that is where we as a population would benefit the most.
Increasing security across the nation at every school, is not practical. Also when to you stop security, when you are checking yourself into a school and it feels more like county jail work release?
The Dollar Kidd.