Cruezer – Scooby Doo – Crue Dog – Buddy – Crueby
March 17, 1998 – July 22, 2007

Crue loved all people, unconditionally.
He was not real fond of other animals. He enjoyed riding in the canoe and in the truck. He loved water and would spend hours playing like a child in it.
Below (On the Rock at Pilgrim Road): You can see we were resting after a few hotdogs on a canoe trip.

Crue was a truly special dog and worthy of being remembered.
Below: Crue is saving one of his toys after our basement flooded.
Yeah. Crue had a hard time dealing with the fact he was a dog and not a human! I think he had to have been the coolest most unique dog I've ever known. If he was in such bad shape before he passed, then he's in a better place. To be honest, I don't think you will find another dog like him. He was one of a kind!
Due to the email, verbal comments and even a card that I received after my dog died. I decided to put up a memorial (for Crue) on my blog for people to leave comments.
Actually the above comment was so good that I had to share it with others!
This reallys says alot about his personality.
"Crue had a hard time dealing with the fact he was a dog and not a human!"
Who knows, maybe this could start a virtual pet cemetery.
i will never forget when he was apup and was napping between your legs on the couch and all of a sudden just reached around and bit you in the crotch was the most funniest thing i ever saw you cried like a baby lol he will be loved and missed forever love ya cuz
I agree a hundred percent he did not know he was a dog he thought he was your child and what a wonderful child he was he loved unconditionally and know you will never find another one like him he loved all people and for his size that was unique to say the least he will be missed terribly It is very sad to loose something so precious and more like a child than a pet and more assuredly a best friend foreverer And yes if he was suffering he is in a better place and watching over you and I am sure running in those waters above We find one true friend in life and omse are people and some pets and I believe he was your true friend I know I have one that is for sure and when she leaves me I WILL BE SICK AT HEART AND MISS HER TOO I raise my galss to all the pets that love unconditionally
Reading the other comments...I think it was the people that was close to Crue that had a hard time dealing with the fact that he was a dog. I think he had a understanding for what humans felt and said. This might sound crazy to most, but I had a relationship with Crue that most people that read this didn't get the privilege to have. I will miss him very much.
Bye Crueby never forgoten
Very true words written very true if you were ever lucky enough to know Crue you met the most amazing dog you will ever meet half human and one you will never ever forget!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i met him really stuck in my mind and my heart I have thought of him often thru the years and I have met alot of dogs in my life but that one always stuck with me and his relationship with his master was truly wonderful everyone that new you Crue will miss you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Ihave been asked a few times, where is he at.
He is down at the creek, at a place we call Jeepers Creepers. The land owner "Duke" is going to get a large rock for Crue to have a head stone…
We canoe past this propety / camp site quite often, in fact;
This is also the last place Crue was at the creek. This was the end point of our last canoe and float trip on July 7th.
That is so neat that this is going to happen and how fitting for Crue He left his mark on people
crue was not only my sons dog and best friend but to me he was like my first grandson you well be sadly missed my friend take care of little man uo there for us to i love you and well miss you grandpa howard
I agree with everyone else.Crue did have a hard time dealing with the fact he was a dog. I will never meet another dog like him in my life!He's saved me alot when you guys use to live with me! I will Truley miss him. he was like my brother! i told him everything even tho he couldn't talk back to me!
Skye Lynette.
I received a second card. The strange thing, the cards are exactly the same. One from Dennis and one from Jane.
Thanks. That just shows how much different CRUE was.
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