Hey, let's get over it folks. Vick will walk away with a far less brutal sentence than the average American. None of this crap has anything to do with race. He has money. Lawyers are a dime a dozen. The good ones cost big money. If you've got the dough, you'll get the representation that can potentially get you off.
Vick got it easy because he has more money than the average Joe.
This has nothing to do with his blackness. There was no witch hunt. He got caught up in crap that even white folks play with. People love fuckin' up their dogs in fights. Black. White. Hell, I think Mexicans do it, even the illegal ones.
Dog fighting is reprehensible and a symtpom of a far worse issue -- sociopathathic behavior.
I'm less concerned about Vick's sentence than I am about his re-introduction to the N.F.L.
Years from now, after his sentence is served, no one will give a shit that he's a human being that one wouldn't want in one's own house because he's a fuckin' sociopath. It'll just be: Oh, he's done his time and he can run and throw a great football. Oh, he's a fuckin' hero.
Fuck Vick and all the pricks that slaughter dogs in the guise of sports. Fuck those who are willing to turn a blind eye because he's a professional athlete who "just made a mistake". Using salt instead of pepper is a mistake. Killing dogs is not a mistake.
It's a sympton of something we should all be concerned about.: Vick, in my opinion, is a sociopath. Once again, in my opinion, he's just one step away from killing a person. He's a lot closer to the act of murder than the average citizen, and yet there're a lot of people arguing for his ability to return to his multi-million dollar a year contract in the N.F.L.
Maybe, if Jeffrey Dahmer were still alive, someone would recommend his cooking expertise to the Food Network.