Go check out this post by PSM on "The Physics of Blackholes and the Art of Madness"
Read his post, check out the blog, and open your mind. He is pretty intense, don't let that scare you away! His writing has inspired a few of my pieces on Behind The Glasses like; "To Look Through a Window", "The Artist", "Sanity", Missing Link" and "Death In the Field" which is my view of my uncles last moments before his suicide.
Here is the comment I left on his post titled "Pissing on Political Correctness (Holiday Edition)":
We allow Bill Clinton Political Wetness with an intern, and people still have Political Correctness shoved down their throat, without the dress as evidence.
And for those who think we will stop or slow "Global Warming". Well your all wet being politically correct.
Global Warming and Cooling, yes COOLING are cycles of the planet. Ever heard of the Ice Age? Yes humans propel or intensify global warming. But it will continue, no matter if you are green, the queen or in between.
curious? go to his post. click on the title of this post or copy / paste the link below;
Monday, November 26, 2007
Saving the United States of America
That's right Saving America.
I don't see a war or terrorism taking over America. I see an industrial buy-out.
Here is some history to my frustration.
I was recently looking into buying a used vehicle, because new is not in the budget. Some friends asked me what are you going to buy? I said Chevy, I am a pretty loyal Chevy owner. And even talking NASCAR with friends and Gibbs going to Toyota next year. Our Automakers, what were once the BIG THREE, are all struggling, and I know that they own some or most of the credit themselves for their situation. I am first bringing up the auto industry, because the company I work for is in the supply chain.
Being somewhat of a hypocrit, I work for a foreign owned company, but a guy has to live, right? At the same time I am not quitting or asking anyone else to quit. I like my job, but it is not the career of my dreams either.
Another instance is China, making products at ridiculously low costs. They haven't affected us too much since we can receive an order and ship it to the customer faster than they can float it here, and in automotive timing is high on the priority list.
Now to get to my point.
Each and everyday we as American need to consider the long term effects of us constantly buying foreign products. Even when there is a equal quality product made right here in the United States. Which is a good arguement with automotive, I think.
Everyone has seen the email about; I got up by my alarm clock made in Taiwan, coffee maker is made in Hong Kong, clothes made in foreign sweat shop, put on your swiss watch, drive your foreign car to work for a foreign company. The email is actually much longer and more detailed, but you get the idea.
I know many things are rare or impossible to find made in the U.S.A. However, our auto market isa good place to put your American dollar. Two things that are struggling, the dollar and our auto makers. The great rivalry of the past was Ford, Chevy and Dodge. Now it has become just a redneck arguement or a folk tale. Maybe I am just a redneck in hiding. But often buying American is not even considered. You might say, "Well my Toyota, or Mazda will run forever." Who knows what th reasons are, but those who can afford to buy new, usually don't even keep them half way thru the warranty.
Well I am afraid that in our lifetime, we won't have the option to buy the good old American Cars and Trucks. Sure they might be American made Toyotas, Nissans and Mazdas. Imagine the Daytona 500 racing Nissans, Isuzus, mazdas and Toyota who is already in it. And when we buy foreign autos, where does that money go? Back to the home land.
Does anyone know how much American soil is owned by foreign countries? Is it possible that Japan has more land in the U.S.A. than in Japan?
Who's country will it be when we don't own the land anymore? If you own rental property, you can set rules in a lease and have overall control of that land. Well when American soil is no longer owned by Americans, who will run the land? Those who own it, that's who!
you tell me!
I don't see a war or terrorism taking over America. I see an industrial buy-out.
Here is some history to my frustration.
I was recently looking into buying a used vehicle, because new is not in the budget. Some friends asked me what are you going to buy? I said Chevy, I am a pretty loyal Chevy owner. And even talking NASCAR with friends and Gibbs going to Toyota next year. Our Automakers, what were once the BIG THREE, are all struggling, and I know that they own some or most of the credit themselves for their situation. I am first bringing up the auto industry, because the company I work for is in the supply chain.
Being somewhat of a hypocrit, I work for a foreign owned company, but a guy has to live, right? At the same time I am not quitting or asking anyone else to quit. I like my job, but it is not the career of my dreams either.
Another instance is China, making products at ridiculously low costs. They haven't affected us too much since we can receive an order and ship it to the customer faster than they can float it here, and in automotive timing is high on the priority list.
Now to get to my point.
Each and everyday we as American need to consider the long term effects of us constantly buying foreign products. Even when there is a equal quality product made right here in the United States. Which is a good arguement with automotive, I think.
Everyone has seen the email about; I got up by my alarm clock made in Taiwan, coffee maker is made in Hong Kong, clothes made in foreign sweat shop, put on your swiss watch, drive your foreign car to work for a foreign company. The email is actually much longer and more detailed, but you get the idea.
I know many things are rare or impossible to find made in the U.S.A. However, our auto market isa good place to put your American dollar. Two things that are struggling, the dollar and our auto makers. The great rivalry of the past was Ford, Chevy and Dodge. Now it has become just a redneck arguement or a folk tale. Maybe I am just a redneck in hiding. But often buying American is not even considered. You might say, "Well my Toyota, or Mazda will run forever." Who knows what th reasons are, but those who can afford to buy new, usually don't even keep them half way thru the warranty.
Well I am afraid that in our lifetime, we won't have the option to buy the good old American Cars and Trucks. Sure they might be American made Toyotas, Nissans and Mazdas. Imagine the Daytona 500 racing Nissans, Isuzus, mazdas and Toyota who is already in it. And when we buy foreign autos, where does that money go? Back to the home land.
Does anyone know how much American soil is owned by foreign countries? Is it possible that Japan has more land in the U.S.A. than in Japan?
Who's country will it be when we don't own the land anymore? If you own rental property, you can set rules in a lease and have overall control of that land. Well when American soil is no longer owned by Americans, who will run the land? Those who own it, that's who!
you tell me!
Sunday, November 25, 2007
The Kiss.....

She is pregnant, he had just saved her from a fire in her house, rescuing her by carrying her out of the house into her front yard, while he continued to fight the fire.
When he finally got done putting the fire out, he sat down to catch his breath and rest.
A photographer from the Charlotte , North Carolina newspaper, noticed her in the distance looking at the fireman.? He saw her walking straight toward the fireman and wondered what she was going to do.
As he raised his camera, she came up to the tired man who had saved her life and the lives of her unborn babies and kissed him just as the photographer snapped this photograph.
And people think animals are dumb............
And Doberman's are a great breed!
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Dollar Kidd on The Simpson's

Help from the readers of this blog. Send it to your favorite radio show. Help me get the word out to Matt Groening. Most people think it is a great idea. IF you are one of them pass it on.
I don't know where to go or who to start with but this is what I would like to accomplish. I live in a very small town in the midwest and Springfield is actually the Capitol of the State I live in, Illinois. I am looking for ALL and ANY help in making this possible. I am basically unknown, yet at least a little deserving...
I am getting a book published of all of my original poetry. Which happens to be my angle as a guest on the show... Can anyone help? Yes you can..
I would like to get my character the Dollar Kidd (a poet) on THE SIMPSONS. and a piece i wrote "Good Knight" will be written toward a forbidden love between Marge and Dollar KIdd. A love built on a true friendship. It is similar to Bridges of Madison County. she becomes very interested in my character (DOllar) by reading HIS poetry. You could even use a stop light parody at the end of the episode. you know where meryll Streep has her hand on the handle to get out of the truck to leave with her lover (CLINT EASTWOOD), but decides to stay in the truck with her husband.
Good Knight
A man of men in transparent armor,
Standing in the shadows,
Somehow seems to charm her.
Without taking action,
She couldn't help,
But to confess her Attraction.
Openly sharing her story,
As an old folk tale,
Spoken with subtle glory.
Broken with smiles and laughter,
Sparkling eyes,
And uninhibited chatter.
With each flip of the hour glass,
Time moves on yet is replayed,
The night has come to pass.
Sands of time that fall today,
Are tomorrow's memories,
As they fall back the other way.
Standing under the moon light,
As their heads lower,
She says Good Knight.
Read more of my work here.
Thanks for your time.
Dollar Kidd
The Dollar Kidd,
The Simpsons
Thursday, November 08, 2007
Top 10 Kid
Be sure to check this site out too.
The Top 10 Kid
He has a top 10 list for everything...
The most current is the Top 10 Fat Kid Videos...
I really like the Paintball Dance, that kid is pissed, and I would be too. And the moped is a MUST watch. the others are good but those are my personal favorites. I about pissed myself at the end of the moped video.
Top 10 Kid, I say LINK IT!. You tell me... what do you say?
Check out his site, tell him the DOLLAR KIDD sent ya. ha ha how is that for an old cliche...
The Top 10 Kid
He has a top 10 list for everything...
The most current is the Top 10 Fat Kid Videos...
I really like the Paintball Dance, that kid is pissed, and I would be too. And the moped is a MUST watch. the others are good but those are my personal favorites. I about pissed myself at the end of the moped video.
Top 10 Kid, I say LINK IT!. You tell me... what do you say?
Check out his site, tell him the DOLLAR KIDD sent ya. ha ha how is that for an old cliche...
Top 10 Kid,
Top 10's
Art of Marek Danielewski
Besure to check out his site. He has some pretty kick ass sketches and drawings.
This is getting back to the roots of LINK IT or SINK IT. And this is a Link IT!
Art of Marek Danielewski
Besure to check out his site. He has some pretty kick ass sketches and drawings.
This is getting back to the roots of LINK IT or SINK IT. And this is a Link IT!
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
Not Another Teen Shooting.
MSN reports / Associated Press:
The teenager, who was not identified, shot himself in the head but survived and was taken to a hospital in “extremely critical condition,” police spokesman Tero Haapala said.
That waste of space is ALIVE and I hope he lives to be 68. Living one day of regret after another at someone else's mercy.
I have no sympathy for him.
However I do have sympathy for the victims and their families.
The teenager, who was not identified, shot himself in the head but survived and was taken to a hospital in “extremely critical condition,” police spokesman Tero Haapala said.
That waste of space is ALIVE and I hope he lives to be 68. Living one day of regret after another at someone else's mercy.
I have no sympathy for him.
However I do have sympathy for the victims and their families.
School Shooting,
Teen Shooting,
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