Monday, June 11, 2007

Why is Race Still an Issue?

Hamilton first black driver to win F1 race, this was a headline on MSN, as it most likely was in every type of media.

If we as society, continue to make a big deal every time a black, colored or African American does something for the first time in history. There will be others that continue to point out how many in the same race are in gangs and prisons.

Covering up and forgetting our nation's history, or overemphasizing every black achievement will not change the fact that this country once had slaves. It is true it is a fact, George Washington even owned slaves. We can't change that, and the sooner that everyone realizes it, the better off everyone will be. Getting over it, moving on will help our future.
Black History month, there is no need for a month dedicated to the history of one race, any race.
Negro College Fund, c'mon if you set one up as the White College Fund. It would be called racist or descriminating and they would have to allow other races to take part.

You Tell Me...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree whole heartedly. I'm sick and tired of people playing the race card. Assholes come in all colors. Criminals come in all colors. Reparations for slavery? That crap makes my head explode.