Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Mattel Recalls

So, this is the second major recall for Mattel in two weeks. Over ten million toys have been recalled because of lead in the paint. That number may be high because a lot of toys were recalled because of issues with small magnets. However, lead paint has been a major issue with millions of toys. The source of the lead paint is China.

China is a communist country. China is not a friend.

Oh, I agree that we need to have stricter quality control inspections. But, all that hootin' and hollerin' by government officials ignores the true problem: China doesn't give a crap if there's lead paint on the toys.

We as a democratic society are a threat to communism, but we, the United States, continually do business with a country that is known to violate human rights more often than celebrities make asses of themselves. It's ridiculous. We can't trust China to give a shit if the products they are responsible for making and/or assembling are contaminated with lead or any other poison.

By no means am I an expert on world trade and economics, but this has to do with common sense. Why do business with a country that would love to see us decimated by nuclear attack? Every American man, woman, and child that dies is a blessing to the government of China.

I would go so far as to say: Mattel is being economically devastated by these recalls, but China isn't being appreciably hurt. I'm sure the factories have already received their monies for the work performed. I doubt the Chinese economy is going to be impacted by these recalls and the inevitable law suits.

I'm not saying that this was a deliberate contamination of paint, but I can't discount the possibility, that somewhere along the line, someone said, "Fuck it if there's lead in the paint; it's only those assholes in America. Ship those toys."

China is not our friend.

1 comment:

Dollar Kidd said...

Commie bastards... I don't like China. I don't like Communism, and it appears that the Russians are heading back down that path.

Here comes Cold War II. What is real bad, China's industry is booming, Korea is building nuclear weapons, and you know who they will back...

Great Britian will hang with us, but what about France? Wait who cares about France. Canada? What would our northern neighbors do? Let me guess, not get involved.

Trust me, I wouldn't want to go to Iraq, but I respect everyone that does. And I loved the Budweiser commercial, where they (military) walked in the airport and received a standing ovation. THAT IS HOW THIS COUNTRY SHOULD ACT TOWARDS THEIR SOLDIERS! Now that I have that rant out of the way, I am going to watch the Family Guy.