Monday, December 04, 2006

Happy Holidays

How about Merry Christmas. Yeah I said it, Merry Christmas. This is ridiculous, I mean there are certain things this country was founded on. And yes some of those things happen to be religious beliefs. Myself, I am not an overly religious person, but I accept the fact that the United States of America was and is 1 Nation Under God. Yes and in GOD WE TRUST, should always be on our money, and 1 NATION UNDER GOD should be in the pledge of allegiance. And we should swear on a holy bible when in court in the USA. In any other country you might find yourself lucky to get a damn attorney. Oh by the way, the Chinese use a different calendar, so does that mean we can’t say Happy New Year any more? I mean it is not everyone’s New Year.

I am not even a fan of the holidays, it’s cold, everyone is out shopping for gifts and it just seems to go on and on. But what really pisses me off is our retail companies and people trying so hard not to offend anyone that they say happy holidays….
I am not against immigrants or people coming here to better themselves, but in some cases it requires sacrifices. You are still allowed to celebrate your religion and holidays of choice. But you should hear Merry Christmas when you walk into Walmart. THAT’S TOUGH, that is what we celebrate here in America. You may reply with what you celebrate. To me that is just like saying HI, HELLO, HOLA or ALOHA. They all cover the same point, a greeting.
However, English is the American language, learn it. When you go to a new country you have to assume a certain amount of their customs to get by. But the way things are here right now, is we will bend over backwards to help anyone. If I were to move somewhere else, they would expect me to learn their laws, language, religion. But if you come to America, we will change for you, IT IS WRONG.

It is time that we start to run this country on the principals it was founded on and stop bending over backwards to make everyone else happy. Stop sending $.70 per day to a foreign country when that same $.70 per day could go to needy children in this country.

Like Mancow’s slow burn. Madonna adopting a foreign kid? She is from Detroit, like Detroit doesn’t need help?
Hey you don’t have to go have way around the world to give help a good cause, there is probably one in your own neighborhood. OK, so I am ranting and off track....

Anyway, it is the United States of America, we speak English, and we have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. You are FREE to celebrate what ever you what here, but expect these things to always happen around you if you are here or come here.

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