Wednesday, January 31, 2007


"People ask if I can compete with the money of Hillary and Barack," Biden said. "I hope at the end of the day, they can compete with my ideas and my experience."

I found this comment in an article, click on the title for full article.
This comment is exactly what is wrong with our FREAKING country. Biden is right, an election should be won from ideas and experience.

And I said it previously in this blog in my interview with James Hill.
All candidates for any public office election, SHOULD RECEIVE EQUAL FUNDING, EQUAL AIR TIME on TV and radio.

Our elections should NOT be one by who has the most money.

But by the the person who will represent those in his township, city, district, county, state, and nation. A representative of the people. A leader with one ear to his public, our public.

Have we all forgot "A Government, by the people, for the people", well have we?

Because comments & questions like the one the at the beginning of this post...
Well it just leads me to believe that it is "A Government, by the people with money, for the people with money. AND that we have come to accept it as that.

Welcome to the U.S.A.

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