Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Trench Coat Teen, Shot at the Mall

And if you ask me this is what we need more of (post title is a link to the article). And to me the age is even more irrelevant. Did I forget to mention that this 18 year old, in a trench coat, happened to be carrying a shotgun and shooting people? Yep 5 dead, and 4 others wounded.
A SWAT team in Utah, acted as Judge, Jury and Executioner. Reminds me of, Sylvester Stallone's 1995 movie, JUDGE DREDD.

And why not? This is not a cop killing a thug in a dark alley with nobody around. That is a situation we want to avoid getting into. That could get into some controversial and wrongful death cases. This is a teen, as I said age doesn't matter, who went into a mall and opened fire with a shotgun, randomly killing people. I don't care if it was a 15 year old or 50 year old. You walk into that mall, and first get his attention to distract him from his rampage. Then shoot him in the head, yes a "kill" shot. There is no need to tie up our court system with this type of scum who has committed a crime in public against the public. Whether there is 20 people present or hundreds of people present. This person is caught in the act, killing American citizens. To me that voids your right to a fair and speedy trial. Well not really I guess, it will be fair, you get what you gave, and it is fast. You would be sentenced while still holding you weapon.

But you say his family will miss him, they would want him in jail. Well so will the families of those he shot at the mall. They will miss those who he killed. What do I say to this 18 year old's family, I am not sure, but I think you failed as parents. I do not feel a bit sorry for you or your loss. My sympathy is for those victims and families of those who your teen shot. Innocent people shopping in the mall, those are the people who deserve the sympathy here.

My congrats to the Salt Lake City PD.

Innocent people lost and a teen rightfully dead.

You tell me...


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