Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
I don't even really take part in it. But it is what I grew up with. and when someone says Happy Holidays or Seasons Greetings, it pisses me off! This is America, built on Christianity. And I am not a church goer either. But that is the basis of this country just like English is the language. You can speak and pray whatever you want. But just remember you came here, so expect to see what this country was built on.
Don't tell me or others to say Happy Holidays or Seasons Greetings in place of Merry Christmas. Because it may offend some other religion, tough shit. I don't like people going door to door with religious paphlets either and we all know who they are. But they have a right to do that, and I have a right to say Merry Christmas and so does any other American.
And most of all I will not be offended if I were to tell you Merry Christmas, and you replied with Happy Hanukah. Good, Great, we both wished what we know to one another in a civil manner. AND I know you'll enjoy your Hanukah, and I will enjoy my Christmas. That is what it means to be a FREE AMERICAN!
And I know it is mostly stores that care what employees say to the customers, and that is because... LOOK AT ALL THE MONEY THEY MAKE, it is ridiculous. People borrowing money, putting things on lay away for months, to have a nice Christmas. Spending more than they can afford. What a joke. It feels good to give, yeah sure it's great. but come on, this holiday is so distorted and all about money. If you ask me the "Holidays" are the number one cause of family fights. It also does nothing but make the poor feel more poor and the comfortable struggle for a few months, and the rich just rub it in the faces of all the rest... LOOK at what we got, LOOK at what we gave away... Go ahead call me a grouchy scrooge, but I bet you don't call me a liar.
Dollar Kidd
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
My Depravity (the Blog)
Check out this post about the dangers and how much politically correctness is BULLSHIT... post by Deceitful Void.
Go to their page check it out...
Go to their page check it out...
My Depravity,
Politically Correct
Saturday, December 01, 2007
Monday, November 26, 2007
The Physics of Blackholes and the Art of Madness
Go check out this post by PSM on "The Physics of Blackholes and the Art of Madness"
Read his post, check out the blog, and open your mind. He is pretty intense, don't let that scare you away! His writing has inspired a few of my pieces on Behind The Glasses like; "To Look Through a Window", "The Artist", "Sanity", Missing Link" and "Death In the Field" which is my view of my uncles last moments before his suicide.
Here is the comment I left on his post titled "Pissing on Political Correctness (Holiday Edition)":
We allow Bill Clinton Political Wetness with an intern, and people still have Political Correctness shoved down their throat, without the dress as evidence.
And for those who think we will stop or slow "Global Warming". Well your all wet being politically correct.
Global Warming and Cooling, yes COOLING are cycles of the planet. Ever heard of the Ice Age? Yes humans propel or intensify global warming. But it will continue, no matter if you are green, the queen or in between.
curious? go to his post. click on the title of this post or copy / paste the link below;
Go check out this post by PSM on "The Physics of Blackholes and the Art of Madness"
Read his post, check out the blog, and open your mind. He is pretty intense, don't let that scare you away! His writing has inspired a few of my pieces on Behind The Glasses like; "To Look Through a Window", "The Artist", "Sanity", Missing Link" and "Death In the Field" which is my view of my uncles last moments before his suicide.
Here is the comment I left on his post titled "Pissing on Political Correctness (Holiday Edition)":
We allow Bill Clinton Political Wetness with an intern, and people still have Political Correctness shoved down their throat, without the dress as evidence.
And for those who think we will stop or slow "Global Warming". Well your all wet being politically correct.
Global Warming and Cooling, yes COOLING are cycles of the planet. Ever heard of the Ice Age? Yes humans propel or intensify global warming. But it will continue, no matter if you are green, the queen or in between.
curious? go to his post. click on the title of this post or copy / paste the link below;
Saving the United States of America
That's right Saving America.
I don't see a war or terrorism taking over America. I see an industrial buy-out.
Here is some history to my frustration.
I was recently looking into buying a used vehicle, because new is not in the budget. Some friends asked me what are you going to buy? I said Chevy, I am a pretty loyal Chevy owner. And even talking NASCAR with friends and Gibbs going to Toyota next year. Our Automakers, what were once the BIG THREE, are all struggling, and I know that they own some or most of the credit themselves for their situation. I am first bringing up the auto industry, because the company I work for is in the supply chain.
Being somewhat of a hypocrit, I work for a foreign owned company, but a guy has to live, right? At the same time I am not quitting or asking anyone else to quit. I like my job, but it is not the career of my dreams either.
Another instance is China, making products at ridiculously low costs. They haven't affected us too much since we can receive an order and ship it to the customer faster than they can float it here, and in automotive timing is high on the priority list.
Now to get to my point.
Each and everyday we as American need to consider the long term effects of us constantly buying foreign products. Even when there is a equal quality product made right here in the United States. Which is a good arguement with automotive, I think.
Everyone has seen the email about; I got up by my alarm clock made in Taiwan, coffee maker is made in Hong Kong, clothes made in foreign sweat shop, put on your swiss watch, drive your foreign car to work for a foreign company. The email is actually much longer and more detailed, but you get the idea.
I know many things are rare or impossible to find made in the U.S.A. However, our auto market isa good place to put your American dollar. Two things that are struggling, the dollar and our auto makers. The great rivalry of the past was Ford, Chevy and Dodge. Now it has become just a redneck arguement or a folk tale. Maybe I am just a redneck in hiding. But often buying American is not even considered. You might say, "Well my Toyota, or Mazda will run forever." Who knows what th reasons are, but those who can afford to buy new, usually don't even keep them half way thru the warranty.
Well I am afraid that in our lifetime, we won't have the option to buy the good old American Cars and Trucks. Sure they might be American made Toyotas, Nissans and Mazdas. Imagine the Daytona 500 racing Nissans, Isuzus, mazdas and Toyota who is already in it. And when we buy foreign autos, where does that money go? Back to the home land.
Does anyone know how much American soil is owned by foreign countries? Is it possible that Japan has more land in the U.S.A. than in Japan?
Who's country will it be when we don't own the land anymore? If you own rental property, you can set rules in a lease and have overall control of that land. Well when American soil is no longer owned by Americans, who will run the land? Those who own it, that's who!
you tell me!
I don't see a war or terrorism taking over America. I see an industrial buy-out.
Here is some history to my frustration.
I was recently looking into buying a used vehicle, because new is not in the budget. Some friends asked me what are you going to buy? I said Chevy, I am a pretty loyal Chevy owner. And even talking NASCAR with friends and Gibbs going to Toyota next year. Our Automakers, what were once the BIG THREE, are all struggling, and I know that they own some or most of the credit themselves for their situation. I am first bringing up the auto industry, because the company I work for is in the supply chain.
Being somewhat of a hypocrit, I work for a foreign owned company, but a guy has to live, right? At the same time I am not quitting or asking anyone else to quit. I like my job, but it is not the career of my dreams either.
Another instance is China, making products at ridiculously low costs. They haven't affected us too much since we can receive an order and ship it to the customer faster than they can float it here, and in automotive timing is high on the priority list.
Now to get to my point.
Each and everyday we as American need to consider the long term effects of us constantly buying foreign products. Even when there is a equal quality product made right here in the United States. Which is a good arguement with automotive, I think.
Everyone has seen the email about; I got up by my alarm clock made in Taiwan, coffee maker is made in Hong Kong, clothes made in foreign sweat shop, put on your swiss watch, drive your foreign car to work for a foreign company. The email is actually much longer and more detailed, but you get the idea.
I know many things are rare or impossible to find made in the U.S.A. However, our auto market isa good place to put your American dollar. Two things that are struggling, the dollar and our auto makers. The great rivalry of the past was Ford, Chevy and Dodge. Now it has become just a redneck arguement or a folk tale. Maybe I am just a redneck in hiding. But often buying American is not even considered. You might say, "Well my Toyota, or Mazda will run forever." Who knows what th reasons are, but those who can afford to buy new, usually don't even keep them half way thru the warranty.
Well I am afraid that in our lifetime, we won't have the option to buy the good old American Cars and Trucks. Sure they might be American made Toyotas, Nissans and Mazdas. Imagine the Daytona 500 racing Nissans, Isuzus, mazdas and Toyota who is already in it. And when we buy foreign autos, where does that money go? Back to the home land.
Does anyone know how much American soil is owned by foreign countries? Is it possible that Japan has more land in the U.S.A. than in Japan?
Who's country will it be when we don't own the land anymore? If you own rental property, you can set rules in a lease and have overall control of that land. Well when American soil is no longer owned by Americans, who will run the land? Those who own it, that's who!
you tell me!
Sunday, November 25, 2007
The Kiss.....

She is pregnant, he had just saved her from a fire in her house, rescuing her by carrying her out of the house into her front yard, while he continued to fight the fire.
When he finally got done putting the fire out, he sat down to catch his breath and rest.
A photographer from the Charlotte , North Carolina newspaper, noticed her in the distance looking at the fireman.? He saw her walking straight toward the fireman and wondered what she was going to do.
As he raised his camera, she came up to the tired man who had saved her life and the lives of her unborn babies and kissed him just as the photographer snapped this photograph.
And people think animals are dumb............
And Doberman's are a great breed!
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Dollar Kidd on The Simpson's

Help from the readers of this blog. Send it to your favorite radio show. Help me get the word out to Matt Groening. Most people think it is a great idea. IF you are one of them pass it on.
I don't know where to go or who to start with but this is what I would like to accomplish. I live in a very small town in the midwest and Springfield is actually the Capitol of the State I live in, Illinois. I am looking for ALL and ANY help in making this possible. I am basically unknown, yet at least a little deserving...
I am getting a book published of all of my original poetry. Which happens to be my angle as a guest on the show... Can anyone help? Yes you can..
I would like to get my character the Dollar Kidd (a poet) on THE SIMPSONS. and a piece i wrote "Good Knight" will be written toward a forbidden love between Marge and Dollar KIdd. A love built on a true friendship. It is similar to Bridges of Madison County. she becomes very interested in my character (DOllar) by reading HIS poetry. You could even use a stop light parody at the end of the episode. you know where meryll Streep has her hand on the handle to get out of the truck to leave with her lover (CLINT EASTWOOD), but decides to stay in the truck with her husband.
Good Knight
A man of men in transparent armor,
Standing in the shadows,
Somehow seems to charm her.
Without taking action,
She couldn't help,
But to confess her Attraction.
Openly sharing her story,
As an old folk tale,
Spoken with subtle glory.
Broken with smiles and laughter,
Sparkling eyes,
And uninhibited chatter.
With each flip of the hour glass,
Time moves on yet is replayed,
The night has come to pass.
Sands of time that fall today,
Are tomorrow's memories,
As they fall back the other way.
Standing under the moon light,
As their heads lower,
She says Good Knight.
Read more of my work here.
Thanks for your time.
Dollar Kidd
The Dollar Kidd,
The Simpsons
Thursday, November 08, 2007
Top 10 Kid
Be sure to check this site out too.
The Top 10 Kid
He has a top 10 list for everything...
The most current is the Top 10 Fat Kid Videos...
I really like the Paintball Dance, that kid is pissed, and I would be too. And the moped is a MUST watch. the others are good but those are my personal favorites. I about pissed myself at the end of the moped video.
Top 10 Kid, I say LINK IT!. You tell me... what do you say?
Check out his site, tell him the DOLLAR KIDD sent ya. ha ha how is that for an old cliche...
The Top 10 Kid
He has a top 10 list for everything...
The most current is the Top 10 Fat Kid Videos...
I really like the Paintball Dance, that kid is pissed, and I would be too. And the moped is a MUST watch. the others are good but those are my personal favorites. I about pissed myself at the end of the moped video.
Top 10 Kid, I say LINK IT!. You tell me... what do you say?
Check out his site, tell him the DOLLAR KIDD sent ya. ha ha how is that for an old cliche...
Top 10 Kid,
Top 10's
Art of Marek Danielewski
Besure to check out his site. He has some pretty kick ass sketches and drawings.
This is getting back to the roots of LINK IT or SINK IT. And this is a Link IT!
Art of Marek Danielewski
Besure to check out his site. He has some pretty kick ass sketches and drawings.
This is getting back to the roots of LINK IT or SINK IT. And this is a Link IT!
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
Not Another Teen Shooting.
MSN reports / Associated Press:
The teenager, who was not identified, shot himself in the head but survived and was taken to a hospital in “extremely critical condition,” police spokesman Tero Haapala said.
That waste of space is ALIVE and I hope he lives to be 68. Living one day of regret after another at someone else's mercy.
I have no sympathy for him.
However I do have sympathy for the victims and their families.
The teenager, who was not identified, shot himself in the head but survived and was taken to a hospital in “extremely critical condition,” police spokesman Tero Haapala said.
That waste of space is ALIVE and I hope he lives to be 68. Living one day of regret after another at someone else's mercy.
I have no sympathy for him.
However I do have sympathy for the victims and their families.
School Shooting,
Teen Shooting,
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Naturally Speaking
Just the other day, I ventured into the wilderness. It was beautiful; it was serene. I communed with the nature of things. I became aware of my place within the universe.
I actually spoke with a cute, fuzzy creature of the forest.
During fleeting moments of zen-like introspection, I inhaled the oxygen of Mother Earth. Then, desiring to satiate my hunger, I killled and ate that fuzzy thing.
Certainly, I skinned and gutted it before laying its flesh over a nice open flame.
Animal be good when properly cooked.
I actually spoke with a cute, fuzzy creature of the forest.
During fleeting moments of zen-like introspection, I inhaled the oxygen of Mother Earth. Then, desiring to satiate my hunger, I killled and ate that fuzzy thing.
Certainly, I skinned and gutted it before laying its flesh over a nice open flame.
Animal be good when properly cooked.
Limbaugh Nailed This One

Time to post another one of those emails that just floats around the web. And of course I think it is right on...
Love him or loathe him, he nailed this one right on the head..........
By Rush Limbaugh:
I think the vast differences in compensation between victims of the September 11 casualty and those who die serving our country in Uniform are profound. No one is really talking about it either, because you just don't criticize anything having to do with September 11. Well, I can't let the numbers pass by because it says something really disturbing about the entitlement mentality of this country. If you lost a family member in the September 11 attack, you're going to get an average of $1,185,000. The range is a minimum guarantee of $250,000, all the way up to $4.7 million.
If you are a surviving family member of an American soldier killed in action, the first check you get is a $6,000 direct death benefit, half of which is taxable.
Next, you get $1,750 for burial costs. If you are the surviving spouse, you get $833 a month until you remarry. And there's a payment of $211 per month for each child under 18. When the child hits 18, those payments come to a screeching halt.
Keep in mind that some of the people who are getting a n average of $1.185 million up to $4.7 million on are complaining that it's not enough Their deaths were tragic, but for most, they were simply in the wrong place at the wrong time. Soldiers put themselves in harms way FOR ALL OF US, and they and their families know the dangers.
We also learned over the weekend that some of the victims from the Oklahoma City bombing have started an organization asking for the same deal that the September 11 families are getting. In a ddition to that, some of the families of those bombed in the embassies are now asking for compensation as well.
You see where this is going, don't you? Folks, this is part and parcel of over 50 years of entitlement politics in this country. It's just really sad. Every time a pay raise comes up for the military, they usually receive next to nothing of a raise. Now the green machine is in combat in the Middle East while their families have to survive on food stamps and live in low-rent housing Make sense?
However , our own , US Congress voted themselves a raise. Many of you don't know that they only have to be in Congress one time to receive a pension that is more than $15,000 per month. And most are now equal to being millionaires plus. They do not receive Social Security on retirement because they didn't have to pay into the system. If some of the military people stay in for 20 years and get out as an E-7, they may receive a pension of $1,000 per month, and the very people who placed them in harm's way receives a pension of $15,000 per month.
I would like to see our elected officials pick up a weapon and join ranks before they start cutting out benefits and lowering pay for our sons and daughters who are now fighting.
" When do we finally do something about this?" If this doesn't seem fair to you, it is time to fo r ward this to as many people as you can.
How many people can you send this to?
How many will you?
Friday, September 14, 2007
Autism seems to be the latest fad these days. Go autism, go.
Autism, today, is what ADHD was years ago: Every child had it. Every child needed to be medicated for it. No one questioned it. Thousands of children were unnecessarily drugged for it -- ADHD is waning, but autism is the new monster.
Every time I listen to the radio or watch the television, there're adds claiming that 1 out of 160 children is diagnosed with autism. It's 160 or 166. I'm close to what's being shoved down my throat. Regardless, it's a very low ratio.
Everytime I hear that statistic, I think to myself: If this were true, I should be tripping over autistic children everywhere I go -- the mall, in schools, and on the streets. But, I'm not.
I've worked in psychiatric hospitals with autistic children. They kind of stand out. It's a very unfortunate developmental issue. But, regardless of the visceral, emotional reaction to the word "autism" one may have, what I believe is happening is this: Mental Health is a business, a big business, plain and simple. The criteria for autism is being altered/lowered so that more children can be diagnosed with autism so that the parents of that child will seek out the specialists, the pharmaceutical companies [especially them], and the support services that, for a fee, (a rather large fee), will counsel, medicate, and/or rehabilitate the alleged autistic child.
Money. Money. Money.
1 out of 160 children is autistic; I think it's bullcrap.
Parents, please don't walk blindly into this.
Autism, today, is what ADHD was years ago: Every child had it. Every child needed to be medicated for it. No one questioned it. Thousands of children were unnecessarily drugged for it -- ADHD is waning, but autism is the new monster.
Every time I listen to the radio or watch the television, there're adds claiming that 1 out of 160 children is diagnosed with autism. It's 160 or 166. I'm close to what's being shoved down my throat. Regardless, it's a very low ratio.
Everytime I hear that statistic, I think to myself: If this were true, I should be tripping over autistic children everywhere I go -- the mall, in schools, and on the streets. But, I'm not.
I've worked in psychiatric hospitals with autistic children. They kind of stand out. It's a very unfortunate developmental issue. But, regardless of the visceral, emotional reaction to the word "autism" one may have, what I believe is happening is this: Mental Health is a business, a big business, plain and simple. The criteria for autism is being altered/lowered so that more children can be diagnosed with autism so that the parents of that child will seek out the specialists, the pharmaceutical companies [especially them], and the support services that, for a fee, (a rather large fee), will counsel, medicate, and/or rehabilitate the alleged autistic child.
Money. Money. Money.
1 out of 160 children is autistic; I think it's bullcrap.
Parents, please don't walk blindly into this.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Dollar's Short Stories
I don't know if anyone has read this blog. It is linked here, and for the last coule of months I have only had one entry. Well I just finished my second short story, tell me what you think.
I don't have a google group set up yet to notify those who want to read it. So I am using Link it or Sink it to promote it.
I have not wrote many short stories, maybe only these two, I can't remember. My participation in English class in school was very limited.
Other good news, I almost have a manuscript complete to send to the publishers for Behind The Glasses. Which I released 4 news ones on there over the weekend. I have been feeling pretty creative lately, and some really harsh dreams. Shouldn't fall asleep watching the Twilight Zone...
I'll try to get a google group set up soon for Dollar's Short Stories. I gotta get to bed, I have a 9 hour drive tomorrow.
I don't have a google group set up yet to notify those who want to read it. So I am using Link it or Sink it to promote it.
I have not wrote many short stories, maybe only these two, I can't remember. My participation in English class in school was very limited.
Other good news, I almost have a manuscript complete to send to the publishers for Behind The Glasses. Which I released 4 news ones on there over the weekend. I have been feeling pretty creative lately, and some really harsh dreams. Shouldn't fall asleep watching the Twilight Zone...
I'll try to get a google group set up soon for Dollar's Short Stories. I gotta get to bed, I have a 9 hour drive tomorrow.
Sunday, September 09, 2007
2 Texas police officers killed
The suspected gunman, Larry White, 58.
Fired at police when they responded to a domestic dispute call.
I believe another White, Ron White, said on the Blue Collar Comedy Tour. "I'm From Texas and if you kill someone in Texas. We will kill you back. We are working on a new law, so if 3 credible witnesses testify that you committed a murder you will not sit on death row, Jack. Other States are trying to abolish the death penalty. We're putting in an express lane."
It is not verbatim but pretty close. This man should be executed within 30 days of conviction. You know like those Iraqi's did with Saddam and his clowns. I don't see where there is much doubt of who dunnit. Fast and speedy trial along with a fast and speedy execution, and people won't be so quick to pick up a gun and start shooting.
you tell me
Fired at police when they responded to a domestic dispute call.
I believe another White, Ron White, said on the Blue Collar Comedy Tour. "I'm From Texas and if you kill someone in Texas. We will kill you back. We are working on a new law, so if 3 credible witnesses testify that you committed a murder you will not sit on death row, Jack. Other States are trying to abolish the death penalty. We're putting in an express lane."
It is not verbatim but pretty close. This man should be executed within 30 days of conviction. You know like those Iraqi's did with Saddam and his clowns. I don't see where there is much doubt of who dunnit. Fast and speedy trial along with a fast and speedy execution, and people won't be so quick to pick up a gun and start shooting.
you tell me
death penalty,
officers killed,
Texas police
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
Mattel Recalls
So, this is the second major recall for Mattel in two weeks. Over ten million toys have been recalled because of lead in the paint. That number may be high because a lot of toys were recalled because of issues with small magnets. However, lead paint has been a major issue with millions of toys. The source of the lead paint is China.
China is a communist country. China is not a friend.
Oh, I agree that we need to have stricter quality control inspections. But, all that hootin' and hollerin' by government officials ignores the true problem: China doesn't give a crap if there's lead paint on the toys.
We as a democratic society are a threat to communism, but we, the United States, continually do business with a country that is known to violate human rights more often than celebrities make asses of themselves. It's ridiculous. We can't trust China to give a shit if the products they are responsible for making and/or assembling are contaminated with lead or any other poison.
By no means am I an expert on world trade and economics, but this has to do with common sense. Why do business with a country that would love to see us decimated by nuclear attack? Every American man, woman, and child that dies is a blessing to the government of China.
I would go so far as to say: Mattel is being economically devastated by these recalls, but China isn't being appreciably hurt. I'm sure the factories have already received their monies for the work performed. I doubt the Chinese economy is going to be impacted by these recalls and the inevitable law suits.
I'm not saying that this was a deliberate contamination of paint, but I can't discount the possibility, that somewhere along the line, someone said, "Fuck it if there's lead in the paint; it's only those assholes in America. Ship those toys."
China is not our friend.
China is a communist country. China is not a friend.
Oh, I agree that we need to have stricter quality control inspections. But, all that hootin' and hollerin' by government officials ignores the true problem: China doesn't give a crap if there's lead paint on the toys.
We as a democratic society are a threat to communism, but we, the United States, continually do business with a country that is known to violate human rights more often than celebrities make asses of themselves. It's ridiculous. We can't trust China to give a shit if the products they are responsible for making and/or assembling are contaminated with lead or any other poison.
By no means am I an expert on world trade and economics, but this has to do with common sense. Why do business with a country that would love to see us decimated by nuclear attack? Every American man, woman, and child that dies is a blessing to the government of China.
I would go so far as to say: Mattel is being economically devastated by these recalls, but China isn't being appreciably hurt. I'm sure the factories have already received their monies for the work performed. I doubt the Chinese economy is going to be impacted by these recalls and the inevitable law suits.
I'm not saying that this was a deliberate contamination of paint, but I can't discount the possibility, that somewhere along the line, someone said, "Fuck it if there's lead in the paint; it's only those assholes in America. Ship those toys."
China is not our friend.
Whoopi Defends Vick
Ok, I am not a daily viewer of the "View". However I m traveling for work, and was sitting at an Applebees. And this clip comes on of Whoopi Goldberg defending Michael Vick. I was not and still not a Rosie O'Donnell fan. Never been that keen on Whoopi either. But this time she has done it, the stupid of all stupid.
Stating that this is a cultural issue, and dog fighting is common in the south where he is from. HE IS GUILTY! There is no more DEFENSE!
Smoking crack is common in the right neighborhoods across America. So the next athlete or superstar to get popped for smoking crack, is that too a cultural thing, because it happens where the star was raised? Ridiculous!
Is this where America is headed?
Stating that this is a cultural issue, and dog fighting is common in the south where he is from. HE IS GUILTY! There is no more DEFENSE!
Smoking crack is common in the right neighborhoods across America. So the next athlete or superstar to get popped for smoking crack, is that too a cultural thing, because it happens where the star was raised? Ridiculous!
Is this where America is headed?
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Vick the Prick
Hey, let's get over it folks. Vick will walk away with a far less brutal sentence than the average American. None of this crap has anything to do with race. He has money. Lawyers are a dime a dozen. The good ones cost big money. If you've got the dough, you'll get the representation that can potentially get you off.
Vick got it easy because he has more money than the average Joe.
This has nothing to do with his blackness. There was no witch hunt. He got caught up in crap that even white folks play with. People love fuckin' up their dogs in fights. Black. White. Hell, I think Mexicans do it, even the illegal ones.
Dog fighting is reprehensible and a symtpom of a far worse issue -- sociopathathic behavior.
I'm less concerned about Vick's sentence than I am about his re-introduction to the N.F.L.
Years from now, after his sentence is served, no one will give a shit that he's a human being that one wouldn't want in one's own house because he's a fuckin' sociopath. It'll just be: Oh, he's done his time and he can run and throw a great football. Oh, he's a fuckin' hero.
Fuck Vick and all the pricks that slaughter dogs in the guise of sports. Fuck those who are willing to turn a blind eye because he's a professional athlete who "just made a mistake". Using salt instead of pepper is a mistake. Killing dogs is not a mistake.
It's a sympton of something we should all be concerned about.: Vick, in my opinion, is a sociopath. Once again, in my opinion, he's just one step away from killing a person. He's a lot closer to the act of murder than the average citizen, and yet there're a lot of people arguing for his ability to return to his multi-million dollar a year contract in the N.F.L.
Maybe, if Jeffrey Dahmer were still alive, someone would recommend his cooking expertise to the Food Network.
Vick got it easy because he has more money than the average Joe.
This has nothing to do with his blackness. There was no witch hunt. He got caught up in crap that even white folks play with. People love fuckin' up their dogs in fights. Black. White. Hell, I think Mexicans do it, even the illegal ones.
Dog fighting is reprehensible and a symtpom of a far worse issue -- sociopathathic behavior.
I'm less concerned about Vick's sentence than I am about his re-introduction to the N.F.L.
Years from now, after his sentence is served, no one will give a shit that he's a human being that one wouldn't want in one's own house because he's a fuckin' sociopath. It'll just be: Oh, he's done his time and he can run and throw a great football. Oh, he's a fuckin' hero.
Fuck Vick and all the pricks that slaughter dogs in the guise of sports. Fuck those who are willing to turn a blind eye because he's a professional athlete who "just made a mistake". Using salt instead of pepper is a mistake. Killing dogs is not a mistake.
It's a sympton of something we should all be concerned about.: Vick, in my opinion, is a sociopath. Once again, in my opinion, he's just one step away from killing a person. He's a lot closer to the act of murder than the average citizen, and yet there're a lot of people arguing for his ability to return to his multi-million dollar a year contract in the N.F.L.
Maybe, if Jeffrey Dahmer were still alive, someone would recommend his cooking expertise to the Food Network.
Buh-Bye Vick
I was reading about this on MSN and someone (staanyloco) wrote this...
Copied from MSN message board
3:07 PM Get the hell out of here..he dosent deserve any of this BLEEP hes recieved..we are talking about dogs..not humans..Leonard Little wasnt banned for life after killing a HUMAN while he was drunk-driving..Jayson Williams did no jailtime and he shot a motherBLEEP a and killed him. Vick is a victim of white american backlash over Don Imus..Dogs are not this integral to the fabric of American culture..Never get emotionally attached to something you can buy in a mall people..
End of Copy
It has nothing to do with RACE, it has to do with humanity, and pissing off PETA. In a civilized world you can not just kill domestic animals or "pets". If you were caught killing your neighbors dog, you would be punished. This is not some "backlash" over what happened to Imus, who cares what Imus said. Does anyone listen to his show anyway?
What Vick did was apparently operate one of the largest dog fighting rings that north america has seen. AND HE HAS ADMITTED TO KILLING DOGS. He, and his partners, deserve thier punishment. He wouldn't be apologizing if he thought what he did was right, now would he. Vick was not a great QB, but he was one hell of an athlete, I will miss watching him as an athlete. I am not a Falcons fan, but would watch just to see if he would break a big run. I will not miss him as a person. And as a dog owner, I say lock him up. I doubt that a Federal Prison will let him keep number 7.
Also The NFL Commissioner, Roger Goodell, has made the right choice in my opinion.
I think Michael Vick's assets should be spread among PETA and other animal activist groups.
How about the weather?
Copied from MSN message board
3:07 PM Get the hell out of here..he dosent deserve any of this BLEEP hes recieved..we are talking about dogs..not humans..Leonard Little wasnt banned for life after killing a HUMAN while he was drunk-driving..Jayson Williams did no jailtime and he shot a motherBLEEP a and killed him. Vick is a victim of white american backlash over Don Imus..Dogs are not this integral to the fabric of American culture..Never get emotionally attached to something you can buy in a mall people..
End of Copy
It has nothing to do with RACE, it has to do with humanity, and pissing off PETA. In a civilized world you can not just kill domestic animals or "pets". If you were caught killing your neighbors dog, you would be punished. This is not some "backlash" over what happened to Imus, who cares what Imus said. Does anyone listen to his show anyway?
What Vick did was apparently operate one of the largest dog fighting rings that north america has seen. AND HE HAS ADMITTED TO KILLING DOGS. He, and his partners, deserve thier punishment. He wouldn't be apologizing if he thought what he did was right, now would he. Vick was not a great QB, but he was one hell of an athlete, I will miss watching him as an athlete. I am not a Falcons fan, but would watch just to see if he would break a big run. I will not miss him as a person. And as a dog owner, I say lock him up. I doubt that a Federal Prison will let him keep number 7.
Also The NFL Commissioner, Roger Goodell, has made the right choice in my opinion.
I think Michael Vick's assets should be spread among PETA and other animal activist groups.
How about the weather?
Dog Fighting,
Michael Vick,
Monday, August 20, 2007
PSM - Marsupial Man
I would like to invite PSM, author of Marsupial Man, to post on this blog.
Possibly to start out. I think it would be great to interview PSM, or maybe interview each other.
Possibly to start out. I think it would be great to interview PSM, or maybe interview each other.
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
In Memory of...

Cruezer – Scooby Doo – Crue Dog – Buddy – Crueby
March 17, 1998 – July 22, 2007

Crue loved all people, unconditionally.
He was not real fond of other animals. He enjoyed riding in the canoe and in the truck. He loved water and would spend hours playing like a child in it.
Below (On the Rock at Pilgrim Road): You can see we were resting after a few hotdogs on a canoe trip.

Crue was a truly special dog and worthy of being remembered.
Below: Crue is saving one of his toys after our basement flooded.

Cruezer – Scooby Doo – Crue Dog – Buddy – Crueby
March 17, 1998 – July 22, 2007

Crue loved all people, unconditionally.
He was not real fond of other animals. He enjoyed riding in the canoe and in the truck. He loved water and would spend hours playing like a child in it.
Below (On the Rock at Pilgrim Road): You can see we were resting after a few hotdogs on a canoe trip.

Crue was a truly special dog and worthy of being remembered.
Below: Crue is saving one of his toys after our basement flooded.
Best Damn Dog,
Dog Memorials,
Man's Best Friend,
Pure Bread
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
American as Apple Pie?
I don't even think that is a good analogy anymore. I saw a link on MSN for Apple Pie, the last time I heard Apple Pie, was in the movie American Pie.
You have to choose what to dream for in America these days. Why? Because there is not enough time to do all of them.
Do you want to try and fulfil the rags to riches dream? It is possible but will consume your every waking moment.
Do you want to dream that Baseball is still America's favorite past time? Or has it been replaced by chat rooms and text messaging?
Do you believe apple pie is still an American icon? You can answer yes if your mom has a fresh baked apple pie after a Sunday lunch. Chances are, your parents much like mine, are divorced and remarried once, twice or in some cases 3 or 4 times each.
Drive-in Restaurants and movie theaters continue to fade into history. Replaced by drive thru's, pay per view, and I-max.
Muscle Cars and leaded fuel. V8's & Raw American Horse Power! Yesterday's Americana.
What are today's symbols of America?
Fast paced technology. There was a time not so long ago that having a computer in your home was Sci-Fi. Now they are almost out of date from time of purchase to time of delivery. Along with this comes chatting, texting, mobil internet, etc.
American Dream. This was once built on hard work, quality work, a man's word and a good name. It has become finding a cheaper faster way to do whatever, even if it means building it in a foreign country, where the pay is $20 per day or week not $20 per hour.
Power. It is no longer the Muscle cars with all the power. America is the Military giant of the world.
Terror Alert. We as Americans are constantly reminded of our terror alert level. We went from the cold war to the war on terror. Every step or advancement in terror attacks, takes yet another freedom from Americans.
Corruption itself has just about reached Americana status.
What is there that Americans take pride in these days. The foreign car they drive? Losing jobs / companies to China by the handful. Gas prices...
I am glad to see we still have fireworks on the 4th of July. You can't get any more American than that, The 4th of July!
But trust me just around the corner it will offend some immigrant, or be deemed harmful to the environment. And we will watch displays in our homes on large plasma or LCD screens.
As for our Independence... we may have to win it back from terrorists.
What can we do as Americans?
You Tell Me...
Happy 4th of July America!
You have to choose what to dream for in America these days. Why? Because there is not enough time to do all of them.
Do you want to try and fulfil the rags to riches dream? It is possible but will consume your every waking moment.
Do you want to dream that Baseball is still America's favorite past time? Or has it been replaced by chat rooms and text messaging?
Do you believe apple pie is still an American icon? You can answer yes if your mom has a fresh baked apple pie after a Sunday lunch. Chances are, your parents much like mine, are divorced and remarried once, twice or in some cases 3 or 4 times each.
Drive-in Restaurants and movie theaters continue to fade into history. Replaced by drive thru's, pay per view, and I-max.
Muscle Cars and leaded fuel. V8's & Raw American Horse Power! Yesterday's Americana.
What are today's symbols of America?
Fast paced technology. There was a time not so long ago that having a computer in your home was Sci-Fi. Now they are almost out of date from time of purchase to time of delivery. Along with this comes chatting, texting, mobil internet, etc.
American Dream. This was once built on hard work, quality work, a man's word and a good name. It has become finding a cheaper faster way to do whatever, even if it means building it in a foreign country, where the pay is $20 per day or week not $20 per hour.
Power. It is no longer the Muscle cars with all the power. America is the Military giant of the world.
Terror Alert. We as Americans are constantly reminded of our terror alert level. We went from the cold war to the war on terror. Every step or advancement in terror attacks, takes yet another freedom from Americans.
Corruption itself has just about reached Americana status.
What is there that Americans take pride in these days. The foreign car they drive? Losing jobs / companies to China by the handful. Gas prices...
I am glad to see we still have fireworks on the 4th of July. You can't get any more American than that, The 4th of July!
But trust me just around the corner it will offend some immigrant, or be deemed harmful to the environment. And we will watch displays in our homes on large plasma or LCD screens.
As for our Independence... we may have to win it back from terrorists.
What can we do as Americans?
You Tell Me...
Happy 4th of July America!
Monday, June 11, 2007
Why is Race Still an Issue?
Hamilton first black driver to win F1 race, this was a headline on MSN, as it most likely was in every type of media.
If we as society, continue to make a big deal every time a black, colored or African American does something for the first time in history. There will be others that continue to point out how many in the same race are in gangs and prisons.
Covering up and forgetting our nation's history, or overemphasizing every black achievement will not change the fact that this country once had slaves. It is true it is a fact, George Washington even owned slaves. We can't change that, and the sooner that everyone realizes it, the better off everyone will be. Getting over it, moving on will help our future.
Black History month, there is no need for a month dedicated to the history of one race, any race.
Negro College Fund, c'mon if you set one up as the White College Fund. It would be called racist or descriminating and they would have to allow other races to take part.
You Tell Me...
If we as society, continue to make a big deal every time a black, colored or African American does something for the first time in history. There will be others that continue to point out how many in the same race are in gangs and prisons.
Covering up and forgetting our nation's history, or overemphasizing every black achievement will not change the fact that this country once had slaves. It is true it is a fact, George Washington even owned slaves. We can't change that, and the sooner that everyone realizes it, the better off everyone will be. Getting over it, moving on will help our future.
Black History month, there is no need for a month dedicated to the history of one race, any race.
Negro College Fund, c'mon if you set one up as the White College Fund. It would be called racist or descriminating and they would have to allow other races to take part.
You Tell Me...
Monday, April 16, 2007
Shooting At Virginia Tech
This is truly a tragedy. However, it is almost impossible to stop or avoid a situation that is well planned out as this has been described. We as citizens would lose many rights, privileges and benefits in an attempt to prevent this.
I am not aware of the shooter, his identity or mental heath. But say he was seemingly normal, how do you prevent that? You can’t. On the other hand, undoubtedly this person had some number of friends or family. Were there any clues, regarding his mental health or possibly a motive based on retaliation. If there are clues of some sort to detect a change in a persons life, that is where we as a population would benefit the most.
Increasing security across the nation at every school, is not practical. Also when to you stop security, when you are checking yourself into a school and it feels more like county jail work release?
The Dollar Kidd.
I am not aware of the shooter, his identity or mental heath. But say he was seemingly normal, how do you prevent that? You can’t. On the other hand, undoubtedly this person had some number of friends or family. Were there any clues, regarding his mental health or possibly a motive based on retaliation. If there are clues of some sort to detect a change in a persons life, that is where we as a population would benefit the most.
Increasing security across the nation at every school, is not practical. Also when to you stop security, when you are checking yourself into a school and it feels more like county jail work release?
The Dollar Kidd.
Mass Murder,
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
I'm going to take a bath...
OK, so I get on here and do some ranting, raving and carrying on about what I think all the time. I would like to try something different... This woman whom I know only by internet, has agreed to do an interview sometime. What I would like to do is have some others comment on this entry she posted from her myspace page.
Post your analysis about her thoughts and feelings expressed in this bulletin entry. She has thick skin so feel free to say what you want. However if she does request me to delete a comment I will. lets all take a few minutes to analyze her emotions. Then I will interview her via myspace IM and post it on here. The interview will cover topics in the comments as well as whatever else I come up with. She is prepared to speak her mind... The title of this entry is also the title of her Bulletin...
Her Bulletin Entry on her MySpace Page:
I'm going to take a bath...
I don't know that it is that I don't feel it, or that I feel SO MUCH that I push it all down or away or some other place so that I don't have to deal with it. I feel things slip right through my hands, and what do I do about it?? Nothing. I watch it go. The fight in me is dead. And there are ways around feelings. Its easy to drown thoughts and feelings and reality. Its easier to ignore once you have lived through it, especially if you have lived through it again, and again, and again. What happened to the person I was supposed to be? Where did she go? Why doesn't she stay long when she does come around? How long will I wait for it to make sense when there is no sense to be made?
Look at the days passing. Time is here and gone. And what have I to show for it? What have I accomplished? Where is my passion? Where is my laughter? Where are my tears? My eyes are so dry, my heart is so grey. I need to love the life I live. I need to make passion, and laugh until I cry. I need to realize. I need to breathe it, taste it, see it, feel it, hold it, break it, own it, lose it, love it, hate it, fight it, embrace it. All these things I say I never do. There are things I feel this for. And moments of peace, of sanity, of completion. Flashes of color. Fire. How do you hold onto a moment in time?
End of her bulletin.
You tell me...
Post your analysis about her thoughts and feelings expressed in this bulletin entry. She has thick skin so feel free to say what you want. However if she does request me to delete a comment I will. lets all take a few minutes to analyze her emotions. Then I will interview her via myspace IM and post it on here. The interview will cover topics in the comments as well as whatever else I come up with. She is prepared to speak her mind... The title of this entry is also the title of her Bulletin...
Her Bulletin Entry on her MySpace Page:
I'm going to take a bath...
I don't know that it is that I don't feel it, or that I feel SO MUCH that I push it all down or away or some other place so that I don't have to deal with it. I feel things slip right through my hands, and what do I do about it?? Nothing. I watch it go. The fight in me is dead. And there are ways around feelings. Its easy to drown thoughts and feelings and reality. Its easier to ignore once you have lived through it, especially if you have lived through it again, and again, and again. What happened to the person I was supposed to be? Where did she go? Why doesn't she stay long when she does come around? How long will I wait for it to make sense when there is no sense to be made?
Look at the days passing. Time is here and gone. And what have I to show for it? What have I accomplished? Where is my passion? Where is my laughter? Where are my tears? My eyes are so dry, my heart is so grey. I need to love the life I live. I need to make passion, and laugh until I cry. I need to realize. I need to breathe it, taste it, see it, feel it, hold it, break it, own it, lose it, love it, hate it, fight it, embrace it. All these things I say I never do. There are things I feel this for. And moments of peace, of sanity, of completion. Flashes of color. Fire. How do you hold onto a moment in time?
End of her bulletin.
You tell me...
Sunday, February 25, 2007
NASCAR Fans and Gamers
For the Fans...
First let me start by saying that NASCAR's lucky dog rule needs improvement. I don't like it, but it is for the drivers safety. Racing back to the line is much better for us fans, and it also gives driver's a chance to improve their track position.
Regardless, I think it should stay because of its safety value, however it can be improved.
Prior to the lucky dog rule. Driver's 2 or more laps down could also earn a lap back if they could pass the lead car before getting back to the start / finish line.
What I would like to see is the lead car 1 lap down, two laps down, 3 laps down and so on, to get one lap back. and make it the lucky dogs rule. Because it is possible that a car 3 laps down was actually closer to earning a lap back.
For the Gamers...
Anyway on to my real complaint EA Sport's NASCAR game.
There are some things i actually like better about the 2004 game than the 2007. There are things that can be used from each game and options that can be included that aren't to improve the game. Keep in mind, that I play 99% in career mode and that is what this applies to.
You race back to the line at a caution.
The damage is more realistic.
Even a race at 10% length has multiple pit stops. That is awesome!
The car blow a fuel cell or engine if you don't take care of your car.
You can race 100% length if you wish to in career mode.
You don't have to start out on dirt and race about two seasons to make your debut in NEXTEL CUP.
You can name your race team.
You have to race the track, limited aids in career mode - you can't just hold the gas down from start to finish on every track.
There are markers at the bottom of the screen indicating who is approaching you from behind.
The stats on this game are great... you can see winner of each race for the season, career wins, top 5's and 10's, poles.
You have multiple cars in your garage but not on the track as team mates when you own your own team. So you can't have teammates when you own your own team.
You can not get a package deal as a team owner. If you accept a package sponsor, you are then racing for another team.
Too much time spent building your team up, your garage, fabricators.
The game play is much better.
You can communicate with teammates.
You get more than 3 offers when a contract expires. Well you get what you deserve for offers. If your racing good, everyone wants you driving their car.
Under caution, your crew chief will tell you if you need to pit.
The damage is not as good or accurate as before. Like in one of my races, I hit the wall head on at pit road and all it did was cause a caution, my car was fine. I was pushed into it at over 100 MPH to a dead stop. A car will not survive that impact.
If you do manage to wreck your car. You have to drive a teammates car to finish the race.
You can not race a full race on career mode.
There is only one pit stop per race.
If you buy a team you can not change the name of the team.
You can not build your own team.
You have to start on the dirt track, then the truck series, then the Busch Series, then NEXTEL Cup.
Daytona 500 you can not qualify for Busch series and run in the Gatorade 150.
Stats are no good, almost non existent.
THE NEXT NASCAR GAME... Make it a number one seller!
What I would like to see in NASCAR 08 or 09.
Build your own team or buy a team and be able to change the name of the team.
Also if you build your own team you should be able to get up to 4 cars, that might take half of your career
Not so much time spent on building your shop or team up to be competitive.
Make driving the track itself competitive by having less computer aids, in 2007 you never have to let off the gas, it brakes completely for you.
The knowledge of you crew chief and ability of your pit crew, should effect the race.
So hiring and firing pit crews is important. Of course you should be able to set it to CPU if you want to.
You should be able to get a package sponsor for the team you own without switching to another team.
You should still get offers to drive from other teams.
You should be able to hire and fire other drivers on the team that you own.
Bring on the COT, get the new car in the game.
Make it multi player, even offline, in career mode.
Race back to the start / finish line or lucky dog, should be a toggle option.
Cautions should take laps off if racing 10% or more.
Races !0% -19% in length should have multiple pit stops, probably 2.
Races 20% or more should have 4 pit stops. That changes the whole strategy of the game throughout each race.
Races are never effected by weather, as we have seen several times this season, they are EVERY week. Let's face it, weather is a big part of NASCAR.
DO NOT make us spend 8 seasons to be competitive.
Bring the stats back, like in 2004.
Base the game on racing good on the tracks in different weather conditions and the ability of your pit crew and the knowledge of your crew chief, your crew chief should tell you when to pit. And your team should set your car up for you, atleast pretty damn close.
Put the DAMN beer / liquor sponsors on the cars.
Put some announcers back in the game, like in 2004
I like vintage NASCAR...
The races from days of old... where you can try to repeat or change history, should have cars and tracks that represent that era... like 1974 Bristol with hardly no stands and 1974 model cars.
You tell me...
First let me start by saying that NASCAR's lucky dog rule needs improvement. I don't like it, but it is for the drivers safety. Racing back to the line is much better for us fans, and it also gives driver's a chance to improve their track position.
Regardless, I think it should stay because of its safety value, however it can be improved.
Prior to the lucky dog rule. Driver's 2 or more laps down could also earn a lap back if they could pass the lead car before getting back to the start / finish line.
What I would like to see is the lead car 1 lap down, two laps down, 3 laps down and so on, to get one lap back. and make it the lucky dogs rule. Because it is possible that a car 3 laps down was actually closer to earning a lap back.
For the Gamers...
Anyway on to my real complaint EA Sport's NASCAR game.
There are some things i actually like better about the 2004 game than the 2007. There are things that can be used from each game and options that can be included that aren't to improve the game. Keep in mind, that I play 99% in career mode and that is what this applies to.
You race back to the line at a caution.
The damage is more realistic.
Even a race at 10% length has multiple pit stops. That is awesome!
The car blow a fuel cell or engine if you don't take care of your car.
You can race 100% length if you wish to in career mode.
You don't have to start out on dirt and race about two seasons to make your debut in NEXTEL CUP.
You can name your race team.
You have to race the track, limited aids in career mode - you can't just hold the gas down from start to finish on every track.
There are markers at the bottom of the screen indicating who is approaching you from behind.
The stats on this game are great... you can see winner of each race for the season, career wins, top 5's and 10's, poles.
You have multiple cars in your garage but not on the track as team mates when you own your own team. So you can't have teammates when you own your own team.
You can not get a package deal as a team owner. If you accept a package sponsor, you are then racing for another team.
Too much time spent building your team up, your garage, fabricators.
The markers above a car when you are sharing draft block your view of the track ahead.
Cars behind you do not draft you. The only way to draft with someone is to get behind them.
The game play is much better.
You can communicate with teammates.
You get more than 3 offers when a contract expires. Well you get what you deserve for offers. If your racing good, everyone wants you driving their car.
Under caution, your crew chief will tell you if you need to pit.
The damage is not as good or accurate as before. Like in one of my races, I hit the wall head on at pit road and all it did was cause a caution, my car was fine. I was pushed into it at over 100 MPH to a dead stop. A car will not survive that impact.
If you do manage to wreck your car. You have to drive a teammates car to finish the race.
You can not race a full race on career mode.
There is only one pit stop per race.
If you buy a team you can not change the name of the team.
You can not build your own team.
You have to start on the dirt track, then the truck series, then the Busch Series, then NEXTEL Cup.
Daytona 500 you can not qualify for Busch series and run in the Gatorade 150.
Stats are no good, almost non existent.
THE NEXT NASCAR GAME... Make it a number one seller!
What I would like to see in NASCAR 08 or 09.
Build your own team or buy a team and be able to change the name of the team.
Also if you build your own team you should be able to get up to 4 cars, that might take half of your career
Not so much time spent on building your shop or team up to be competitive.
Make driving the track itself competitive by having less computer aids, in 2007 you never have to let off the gas, it brakes completely for you.
The knowledge of you crew chief and ability of your pit crew, should effect the race.
So hiring and firing pit crews is important. Of course you should be able to set it to CPU if you want to.
You should be able to get a package sponsor for the team you own without switching to another team.
You should still get offers to drive from other teams.
You should be able to hire and fire other drivers on the team that you own.
Bring on the COT, get the new car in the game.
Make it multi player, even offline, in career mode.
Race back to the start / finish line or lucky dog, should be a toggle option.
Cautions should take laps off if racing 10% or more.
Races !0% -19% in length should have multiple pit stops, probably 2.
Races 20% or more should have 4 pit stops. That changes the whole strategy of the game throughout each race.
Races are never effected by weather, as we have seen several times this season, they are EVERY week. Let's face it, weather is a big part of NASCAR.
DO NOT make us spend 8 seasons to be competitive.
Bring the stats back, like in 2004.
Base the game on racing good on the tracks in different weather conditions and the ability of your pit crew and the knowledge of your crew chief, your crew chief should tell you when to pit. And your team should set your car up for you, atleast pretty damn close.
Put the DAMN beer / liquor sponsors on the cars.
Put some announcers back in the game, like in 2004
I like vintage NASCAR...
The races from days of old... where you can try to repeat or change history, should have cars and tracks that represent that era... like 1974 Bristol with hardly no stands and 1974 model cars.
You tell me...
Friday, February 16, 2007
Pro Athletes Striking
Today In History, this is at the bottom of this blog and I usually check it out to see if there is anything to write about, well today there was...
2005 - The National Hockey League cancelled its entire season after a five-month lockout.
I think it is bullshit when pro athletes STRIKE for more money, benefits or whatever. When you make hundreds of thousands of dollars per year to PLAY your favorite sport. I think it is bullshit that they dare strike. I know recently Baseball has done it and Football in the past 20 years.
Now think about this, they cancelled an entire season. Fans could not watch one single game of their beloved sport, no playoffs, no championship, just a future trivia question. What year did the NHL not compete? or a trick question who won the Stanley cup in 2005?
Any way back to the BULLSHIT, and I am not just picking on the NHL but all pro sports. If they think that hurt their lifestyle, not getting a raise that is. What would happen to their beloved jobs? If ALL THE FANS took one whole year off. No season ticket holders, no ticket sales, no merchandise sales, no endorsements . Because for one year the rest of the world doesn't care about their freaking sport. I am talking all sports, any pro athlete that thinks he has a right to strike for more money... it's ridiculous.
Well I'll tell you what would happen if the rest of the world took off from their sport... Severe financial losses for each franchise, staff and players, competitors or drivers. That is what would happen, Billions of dollars would be lost.
You tell me...
2005 - The National Hockey League cancelled its entire season after a five-month lockout.
I think it is bullshit when pro athletes STRIKE for more money, benefits or whatever. When you make hundreds of thousands of dollars per year to PLAY your favorite sport. I think it is bullshit that they dare strike. I know recently Baseball has done it and Football in the past 20 years.
Now think about this, they cancelled an entire season. Fans could not watch one single game of their beloved sport, no playoffs, no championship, just a future trivia question. What year did the NHL not compete? or a trick question who won the Stanley cup in 2005?
Any way back to the BULLSHIT, and I am not just picking on the NHL but all pro sports. If they think that hurt their lifestyle, not getting a raise that is. What would happen to their beloved jobs? If ALL THE FANS took one whole year off. No season ticket holders, no ticket sales, no merchandise sales, no endorsements . Because for one year the rest of the world doesn't care about their freaking sport. I am talking all sports, any pro athlete that thinks he has a right to strike for more money... it's ridiculous.
Well I'll tell you what would happen if the rest of the world took off from their sport... Severe financial losses for each franchise, staff and players, competitors or drivers. That is what would happen, Billions of dollars would be lost.
You tell me...
Athletes Striking,
Pro Athletes,
Professional Sports,
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Off Duty Cop Distracts the Trench Coat Teen
An off duty police officer distracts the teen and limits his free reign of shooting. With someone else shooting he is now a target. This helped slow and restrict the gunman's movement until the on duty police force could show up.
A special thanks to a guy who takes his work not just home but every where with him.
To bad this hero, couldn't take the "kill shot" himself and leave nothing but paperwork for the on duty boys.
You Tell ME!
A special thanks to a guy who takes his work not just home but every where with him.
To bad this hero, couldn't take the "kill shot" himself and leave nothing but paperwork for the on duty boys.
You Tell ME!
Trench Coat Teen, Shot at the Mall
And if you ask me this is what we need more of (post title is a link to the article). And to me the age is even more irrelevant. Did I forget to mention that this 18 year old, in a trench coat, happened to be carrying a shotgun and shooting people? Yep 5 dead, and 4 others wounded.
A SWAT team in Utah, acted as Judge, Jury and Executioner. Reminds me of, Sylvester Stallone's 1995 movie, JUDGE DREDD.
And why not? This is not a cop killing a thug in a dark alley with nobody around. That is a situation we want to avoid getting into. That could get into some controversial and wrongful death cases. This is a teen, as I said age doesn't matter, who went into a mall and opened fire with a shotgun, randomly killing people. I don't care if it was a 15 year old or 50 year old. You walk into that mall, and first get his attention to distract him from his rampage. Then shoot him in the head, yes a "kill" shot. There is no need to tie up our court system with this type of scum who has committed a crime in public against the public. Whether there is 20 people present or hundreds of people present. This person is caught in the act, killing American citizens. To me that voids your right to a fair and speedy trial. Well not really I guess, it will be fair, you get what you gave, and it is fast. You would be sentenced while still holding you weapon.
But you say his family will miss him, they would want him in jail. Well so will the families of those he shot at the mall. They will miss those who he killed. What do I say to this 18 year old's family, I am not sure, but I think you failed as parents. I do not feel a bit sorry for you or your loss. My sympathy is for those victims and families of those who your teen shot. Innocent people shopping in the mall, those are the people who deserve the sympathy here.
My congrats to the Salt Lake City PD.
Innocent people lost and a teen rightfully dead.
You tell me...
A SWAT team in Utah, acted as Judge, Jury and Executioner. Reminds me of, Sylvester Stallone's 1995 movie, JUDGE DREDD.
And why not? This is not a cop killing a thug in a dark alley with nobody around. That is a situation we want to avoid getting into. That could get into some controversial and wrongful death cases. This is a teen, as I said age doesn't matter, who went into a mall and opened fire with a shotgun, randomly killing people. I don't care if it was a 15 year old or 50 year old. You walk into that mall, and first get his attention to distract him from his rampage. Then shoot him in the head, yes a "kill" shot. There is no need to tie up our court system with this type of scum who has committed a crime in public against the public. Whether there is 20 people present or hundreds of people present. This person is caught in the act, killing American citizens. To me that voids your right to a fair and speedy trial. Well not really I guess, it will be fair, you get what you gave, and it is fast. You would be sentenced while still holding you weapon.
But you say his family will miss him, they would want him in jail. Well so will the families of those he shot at the mall. They will miss those who he killed. What do I say to this 18 year old's family, I am not sure, but I think you failed as parents. I do not feel a bit sorry for you or your loss. My sympathy is for those victims and families of those who your teen shot. Innocent people shopping in the mall, those are the people who deserve the sympathy here.
My congrats to the Salt Lake City PD.
Innocent people lost and a teen rightfully dead.
You tell me...
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
9 Year Old Runs Away by Plane
I think there are several issues here. And yep the title is a link to the article.
1) The kid "REALLY" wants out of the current living situation he is in. Whether it is fear of the sex offender or he just doesn't like the state of Washington or some other reason. I was reading the forum attached with this story and people seem outraged. Taking shots at the kids discipline at home and that he should go to military school. I say quit criticizing him and his parent for just a minute and think about what he went through to accomplish what he did. This kid may be a story teller, and a brat you might say. However I also see a natural born leader.
2) Did his driving really endanger anyone if he did not draw enough attention to get pulled over? Think of how easy it is to get pulled over at your age, I am 32 and was pulled over last summer. It happens to many adults who know the rules of the road and so on. From what I have read in other post here, he drove 4 stolen cars without being pulled over. And if the police were trying to pull him over, how does a 9 year old evade capture from a police chase? We see this on COPS every night.
3) He convinced officials at an airport, that screen for terrorism among other things. And got his way on a plane.
4) He may have broken the law, been deceptive and even lied, the qualities of a future politician. On a positive note, this kid has a amazing ability to plan, organize and execute. These are things that many adults can't do.
5) I say this kid has a real future in anything that he wants and somebody needs to start grooming him for it. Maybe his parents and grandparents should get together and discuss living conditions for him, maybe living in Texas is the answer, we all know he is willing to try very hard to be there. Maybe that could be his incentive to do well.
6) I have done my share of traveling. I was probably 30 years old the first time I drove into O'Hare and put myself on a plane. I had been on a plane probably 12 times before that and I at 30 years old was nervous and unsure about going to an airport and going thru the routine without someone to go thru it with. And here is a 9 year old, that not only did it alone, but got a free ride out of it. Don't get me wrong I was more than capable, but still nervous. I was also not trying to get by without a ticket, he not only tried but succeeded twice. Like Meat Loaf said 2 out of 3 ain't bad.
7) I am not saying that I agree with what the little kid did, but I am saying that he is going to require some creative guidance & molding to keep his attention. I feel he will be quickly bored with traditional disciplinary actions and would only rebel against those who try to tone or change his thinking rather than molding his natural born abilities of adventure, leadership, forwardness, fearlessness. HE IS 9 YEARS OLD. I am intrigued enough, that I would like to know, how he planned to contact grandpa, once he got to Dallas. Also why not car, cab or bus from San Antonio to Dallas, I mean at this point he was 90% thru his travel itinerary.
You tell me!
1) The kid "REALLY" wants out of the current living situation he is in. Whether it is fear of the sex offender or he just doesn't like the state of Washington or some other reason. I was reading the forum attached with this story and people seem outraged. Taking shots at the kids discipline at home and that he should go to military school. I say quit criticizing him and his parent for just a minute and think about what he went through to accomplish what he did. This kid may be a story teller, and a brat you might say. However I also see a natural born leader.
2) Did his driving really endanger anyone if he did not draw enough attention to get pulled over? Think of how easy it is to get pulled over at your age, I am 32 and was pulled over last summer. It happens to many adults who know the rules of the road and so on. From what I have read in other post here, he drove 4 stolen cars without being pulled over. And if the police were trying to pull him over, how does a 9 year old evade capture from a police chase? We see this on COPS every night.
3) He convinced officials at an airport, that screen for terrorism among other things. And got his way on a plane.
4) He may have broken the law, been deceptive and even lied, the qualities of a future politician. On a positive note, this kid has a amazing ability to plan, organize and execute. These are things that many adults can't do.
5) I say this kid has a real future in anything that he wants and somebody needs to start grooming him for it. Maybe his parents and grandparents should get together and discuss living conditions for him, maybe living in Texas is the answer, we all know he is willing to try very hard to be there. Maybe that could be his incentive to do well.
6) I have done my share of traveling. I was probably 30 years old the first time I drove into O'Hare and put myself on a plane. I had been on a plane probably 12 times before that and I at 30 years old was nervous and unsure about going to an airport and going thru the routine without someone to go thru it with. And here is a 9 year old, that not only did it alone, but got a free ride out of it. Don't get me wrong I was more than capable, but still nervous. I was also not trying to get by without a ticket, he not only tried but succeeded twice. Like Meat Loaf said 2 out of 3 ain't bad.
7) I am not saying that I agree with what the little kid did, but I am saying that he is going to require some creative guidance & molding to keep his attention. I feel he will be quickly bored with traditional disciplinary actions and would only rebel against those who try to tone or change his thinking rather than molding his natural born abilities of adventure, leadership, forwardness, fearlessness. HE IS 9 YEARS OLD. I am intrigued enough, that I would like to know, how he planned to contact grandpa, once he got to Dallas. Also why not car, cab or bus from San Antonio to Dallas, I mean at this point he was 90% thru his travel itinerary.
You tell me!
9 year old,
Airport Security,
Police Chase,
The Dollar Kidd
Friday, February 02, 2007
School House Rock or School House Shot
When many of us as kids in the 70's and 80's remember School House Rock; Lolly get your adverbs here, Conjuction Junction what's your function, and I am just a "Bill". These are all memories now and you no longer see them on Saturday mornings. Ah, the good ole days.
Well for girls in Texas, they will be looking back remembering their School House Shot.
Headline on MSN today: Texas governor orders STD vaccine for all girls.
Quote from the article;
By employing an executive order, Perry sidestepped opposition in the Legislature from conservatives and parents’ rights groups who fear such a requirement would condone premarital sex and interfere with the way Texans raise their children.
Beginning in September 2008, girls entering the sixth grade — meaning, generally, girls ages 11 and 12 — will have to receive Gardasil, Merck & Co.’s new vaccine against strains of the human papillomavirus, or HPV.
Unquote. (click on post title for full story)
I am sure the conservatives and parents' rights activists will have plenty to say about this. If you ask me, which you don't have to cause it is my post. I think it is a good idea. What we are talking about here is preventing a disease. The issue of how it is transmitted is less relevant if you ask me. If this in fact is a vaccine works, it should slow or help prevent STD's. Something that is transmitted in an act, that most parents have little or no knowledge that their kids are participating in, the act of SEX.
I am sure there are some parents that walked up hills both ways to school in the snow, that would say, "Let them learn it the hard way." I would hope not, but it does take all types to make the world go round. However, what would concern you more as a parent? Your child coming home from school saying; "I was vaccinated for STD's at school today." or "I think I have acquired an STD."
You tell me...
Well for girls in Texas, they will be looking back remembering their School House Shot.
Headline on MSN today: Texas governor orders STD vaccine for all girls.
Quote from the article;
By employing an executive order, Perry sidestepped opposition in the Legislature from conservatives and parents’ rights groups who fear such a requirement would condone premarital sex and interfere with the way Texans raise their children.
Beginning in September 2008, girls entering the sixth grade — meaning, generally, girls ages 11 and 12 — will have to receive Gardasil, Merck & Co.’s new vaccine against strains of the human papillomavirus, or HPV.
Unquote. (click on post title for full story)
I am sure the conservatives and parents' rights activists will have plenty to say about this. If you ask me, which you don't have to cause it is my post. I think it is a good idea. What we are talking about here is preventing a disease. The issue of how it is transmitted is less relevant if you ask me. If this in fact is a vaccine works, it should slow or help prevent STD's. Something that is transmitted in an act, that most parents have little or no knowledge that their kids are participating in, the act of SEX.
I am sure there are some parents that walked up hills both ways to school in the snow, that would say, "Let them learn it the hard way." I would hope not, but it does take all types to make the world go round. However, what would concern you more as a parent? Your child coming home from school saying; "I was vaccinated for STD's at school today." or "I think I have acquired an STD."
You tell me...
The Dollar Kidd
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
"People ask if I can compete with the money of Hillary and Barack," Biden said. "I hope at the end of the day, they can compete with my ideas and my experience."
I found this comment in an article, click on the title for full article.
This comment is exactly what is wrong with our FREAKING country. Biden is right, an election should be won from ideas and experience.
And I said it previously in this blog in my interview with James Hill.
All candidates for any public office election, SHOULD RECEIVE EQUAL FUNDING, EQUAL AIR TIME on TV and radio.
Our elections should NOT be one by who has the most money.
But by the the person who will represent those in his township, city, district, county, state, and nation. A representative of the people. A leader with one ear to his public, our public.
Have we all forgot "A Government, by the people, for the people", well have we?
Because comments & questions like the one the at the beginning of this post...
Well it just leads me to believe that it is "A Government, by the people with money, for the people with money. AND that we have come to accept it as that.
Welcome to the U.S.A.
I found this comment in an article, click on the title for full article.
This comment is exactly what is wrong with our FREAKING country. Biden is right, an election should be won from ideas and experience.
And I said it previously in this blog in my interview with James Hill.
All candidates for any public office election, SHOULD RECEIVE EQUAL FUNDING, EQUAL AIR TIME on TV and radio.
Our elections should NOT be one by who has the most money.
But by the the person who will represent those in his township, city, district, county, state, and nation. A representative of the people. A leader with one ear to his public, our public.
Have we all forgot "A Government, by the people, for the people", well have we?
Because comments & questions like the one the at the beginning of this post...
Well it just leads me to believe that it is "A Government, by the people with money, for the people with money. AND that we have come to accept it as that.
Welcome to the U.S.A.
The Dollar Kidd,
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Sponges Cause Fire!
Ha ha, this is a great article about a study, done with house hold sponges. Researchers found that a sponge soaked with waste water, microwaved on full power for 2 minutes can kill like 99% of the germs. However in releasingthe articel they left out some important details.
1) Wet the sponge, or it will catch on fire and ruin your microwave.
2) You house will stink for hours, for cooking bacteria in your microwave.
3) Even thought it kills the germs, the sponge is no longer usable.
Great research, lots of benefits to microwaving your dirty sponge!
Click on the title above "Sponges Cause Fire!" it is a link to the article.
1) Wet the sponge, or it will catch on fire and ruin your microwave.
2) You house will stink for hours, for cooking bacteria in your microwave.
3) Even thought it kills the germs, the sponge is no longer usable.
Great research, lots of benefits to microwaving your dirty sponge!
Click on the title above "Sponges Cause Fire!" it is a link to the article.
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Or a big fat scam as I like to say... It was even on dateline or some show like that, where this woman talks and tells her story of how they led her to believe she was great.
When I started writing in 1999 I posted several of my poems on this site. Many of my first few years are on this site. I have have one on there that someone wrote about me. I think it is called MISS YOU. Anyway, I quit because, they offer you to buy a book with you poem in it for $45. Yes I bought several of them at the start, feeling that I had accomplished something by getting published. Well if you ask me they publish everything for everyone and hope that you will buy the book. Now everytihng I have wrote is on my blog "Behind the Glasses" which is of course linked on "Link it or Sink it".
I did make a significant gain, and got into some books where you have your own page. LITTLE MAN was one of those to be published on it's own page. Yes I ordered the book 6 of them actually for like $200. I got that many for relatives that wanted a copy, as LITTLE MAN is about my brother that died of Cystic Fibrosis. I donated one copy to our high school library. Yeah imagine that, someone who struggled in English class all thru school now has published work in the school library. I did it in hopes that some would read it, maybe even know who I am and think I could do something like that to someday.
Anyway back to I think it is good in some ways, there is no purchase necessary. You do retain all copy rights. However, they want you to become a member, fly to their "shows" or "readings" for a small fee of like $600. They want you to buy the books, and other merchandise with your "work" on it. Everyone gets the same crappy cover letter. And for anyone in the beginning, you feel a real sense of accomplishment. Which then turns into wow, whoop-i-dip-ity-do. There is no real criticism, they accept everything. I mean, I feel some of my stuff is very good and other is very mediocre. But they give you the sense that everything you do is gold. They also have a membership that you can join and critic each others work. I don't remember if that comes with a fee or not. Like I said you don't have to purchase anything, but you send it to them and get published, then if you don't buy, then you have published work that you don't even have a copy of. It seems pointless to me. And they brag you up to get you to buy, join the club and all of that... I do appear to have quite a few on there compared to others with the same name as me. I have 16 on the site, where most of those with the same name as me hang around the 5-10 range.
Basically this is just to let anyone know, that yeah we all get the same cover letter.
These are the titles that I have on there. So you can be the judge.
A Note of Thanks
And It's All Good
And They Live...
Choices, Decision, & Consequences
Crying Lies
If I... would you?
In My Life
Little Man
Look Around You...
One Day
Shades of Grey
The Clown
Trace of a Red Rose
What You Feel
When I started writing in 1999 I posted several of my poems on this site. Many of my first few years are on this site. I have have one on there that someone wrote about me. I think it is called MISS YOU. Anyway, I quit because, they offer you to buy a book with you poem in it for $45. Yes I bought several of them at the start, feeling that I had accomplished something by getting published. Well if you ask me they publish everything for everyone and hope that you will buy the book. Now everytihng I have wrote is on my blog "Behind the Glasses" which is of course linked on "Link it or Sink it".
I did make a significant gain, and got into some books where you have your own page. LITTLE MAN was one of those to be published on it's own page. Yes I ordered the book 6 of them actually for like $200. I got that many for relatives that wanted a copy, as LITTLE MAN is about my brother that died of Cystic Fibrosis. I donated one copy to our high school library. Yeah imagine that, someone who struggled in English class all thru school now has published work in the school library. I did it in hopes that some would read it, maybe even know who I am and think I could do something like that to someday.
Anyway back to I think it is good in some ways, there is no purchase necessary. You do retain all copy rights. However, they want you to become a member, fly to their "shows" or "readings" for a small fee of like $600. They want you to buy the books, and other merchandise with your "work" on it. Everyone gets the same crappy cover letter. And for anyone in the beginning, you feel a real sense of accomplishment. Which then turns into wow, whoop-i-dip-ity-do. There is no real criticism, they accept everything. I mean, I feel some of my stuff is very good and other is very mediocre. But they give you the sense that everything you do is gold. They also have a membership that you can join and critic each others work. I don't remember if that comes with a fee or not. Like I said you don't have to purchase anything, but you send it to them and get published, then if you don't buy, then you have published work that you don't even have a copy of. It seems pointless to me. And they brag you up to get you to buy, join the club and all of that... I do appear to have quite a few on there compared to others with the same name as me. I have 16 on the site, where most of those with the same name as me hang around the 5-10 range.
Basically this is just to let anyone know, that yeah we all get the same cover letter.
These are the titles that I have on there. So you can be the judge.
A Note of Thanks
And It's All Good
And They Live...
Choices, Decision, & Consequences
Crying Lies
If I... would you?
In My Life
Little Man
Look Around You...
One Day
Shades of Grey
The Clown
Trace of a Red Rose
What You Feel
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Sunday, January 14, 2007
Yes McDonald's.
They have slightly angered me. I stopped in a couple of weeks ago, and ordered a value meal and 20 McNuggets. I got my food, and opened the sack to look, b/c they can make mistakes. She said thank you and closed the window. I sat there and she looked at me strange, and I stared. She come back to the window and said yes? I said I ordered 20 nuggets and didn't get any. She said the screen says a number 4 with a coke. I sad then why did you charge me $9.14 for a number 4 and a coke. She didn't say anything and walked away and came back with the nuggets.
So last night, my first time back since the incident. I order a number 1 with a coke and two 6 piece nuggets. Since I had to wait 10 minutes for the nuggets, I was pretty confident that they remembered them. I have a 25 minute drive home, and ate the fries, then the sandwhich, then 5 nuggets. The other one fell out of the box, into my fry container. Since I was gone all day, I was going to give my dog, the other 6 nuggets as a piece offering. I get in the house and tell him to look at what I have. He is all excited, I open the bag and guess what I have, 1 Nugget. Yes they shorted me six nuggets. So that deal of 6 nuggets for a $1 is a scam apparently, because I got 6 nuggets for $2. What a deal. Maybe it is a sign that with all of their machines they have now, that people can't funtion without them. Maybe it is too damn tough to count two boxes of nuggets. This isn't a new experience either, they have shorted me on orders in the past. A large fry here, and a cheeseburger there. Ole McDonald screwed me for a buck, e-i-e-i-0.
Thanks McDonald's
maybe try some other tasty fast food places.
Burger King
Long John Silver
I wish we had one of these a little closer;
They have slightly angered me. I stopped in a couple of weeks ago, and ordered a value meal and 20 McNuggets. I got my food, and opened the sack to look, b/c they can make mistakes. She said thank you and closed the window. I sat there and she looked at me strange, and I stared. She come back to the window and said yes? I said I ordered 20 nuggets and didn't get any. She said the screen says a number 4 with a coke. I sad then why did you charge me $9.14 for a number 4 and a coke. She didn't say anything and walked away and came back with the nuggets.
So last night, my first time back since the incident. I order a number 1 with a coke and two 6 piece nuggets. Since I had to wait 10 minutes for the nuggets, I was pretty confident that they remembered them. I have a 25 minute drive home, and ate the fries, then the sandwhich, then 5 nuggets. The other one fell out of the box, into my fry container. Since I was gone all day, I was going to give my dog, the other 6 nuggets as a piece offering. I get in the house and tell him to look at what I have. He is all excited, I open the bag and guess what I have, 1 Nugget. Yes they shorted me six nuggets. So that deal of 6 nuggets for a $1 is a scam apparently, because I got 6 nuggets for $2. What a deal. Maybe it is a sign that with all of their machines they have now, that people can't funtion without them. Maybe it is too damn tough to count two boxes of nuggets. This isn't a new experience either, they have shorted me on orders in the past. A large fry here, and a cheeseburger there. Ole McDonald screwed me for a buck, e-i-e-i-0.
Thanks McDonald's
maybe try some other tasty fast food places.
Burger King
Long John Silver
I wish we had one of these a little closer;
A and W,
Burger King,
Long John Silvers,
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
American Heroes
After my last post, this one is very appropriate. Please take the time to read this, I know once you start reading it you will finish. I am posting this on my blog as a personal "Thank You" to all who serve to maintain our "Freedom". I don't know who wrote it, but if I did, I would give them credit.
And if you happen to be anti-war, remember...
Hate the game not the player.
The Military The average age of the military man is 19 years. He is a short haired, tight-muscled kid who, under normal circumstances is considered by society ashalf man, half boy Not yet dry behind the ears, not old enough to buy a beer, butold enough to die for his country. He never really cared much for work and he wouldrather wax his own car than wash his father's; but he has never collected unemploymenteither.
He's a recent High School graduate; he was probably an average student, pursued some form of sport activities, drives a ten year old jalopy, and has a steady girlfriend that either broke up with him when he left, or swears to be waiting when he returns from half a world away He listens to rock and roll or hip-hop or rap or jazz or swing and a 155 mmhowitzer.
He is 10 or 15 pounds lighter now than when he was at home because he is working or fighting from before dawn to well after dusk. He has trouble spelling, thus letter writing is a pain for him, but he can field strip a rifle in 30 seconds and reassemble it in less time in the dark. He can recite to you the nomenclature of a machine gun or grenade launcher and use either one effectively if he must.
He digs foxholes and latrines and can apply first aid like a professional. He can march until he is told to stop or stop until he is told to march. He obeys orders instantly and without hesitation, but he is not without spirit or individual dignity. He is self-sufficient He has two sets of fatigues: he washes one and wears the other.
He keeps his canteens full and his feet dry. he sometimes forgets to brush his teeth, but never to clean his rifle. He can cook his own meals, mend his own clothes, and fix his own hurts. If you're thirsty, he'll share his water with you; if you are hungry, hisfood. He'll even split his ammunition with you in the midst of battle when you run low.
He has learned to use his hands like weapons and weapons like they were his hands. He can save your life - or take it, because that is his job.
He will often do twice the work of a civilian, draw half the pay and still find ironic humor in it all. He has seen more suffering and death then he should have in his short lifetime. He has stood atop mountains of dead bodies, and helped to create them.
He has wept in public and in private, for friends who have fallen in combat and is unashamed. He feels every note of the National Anthem vibrate through his body while at rigid attention, while tempering the burning desire to 'square-away' those around him who haven't bothered to stand, remove their hat, or even stop talking. In an odd twist, day in and day out, far from home, he defends their right to be disrespectful. Just as did his Father, Grandfather, and Great-grandfather, he is paying the price for our freedom . Beardless or not, he is not a boy.
He is the American Fighting Man that has kept this country free for over 200 years He has asked nothing in return, except our friendship and understanding. Remember him, always, for he has earned our respect and admiration with his blood. And now we even have women over there in danger, doing their part in this tradition of going to War when our nation calls us to do so. As you go to bed tonight, remember this shot.. A short lull, a little shade and a picture of loved ones in their helmets
And if you happen to be anti-war, remember...
Hate the game not the player.
The Military The average age of the military man is 19 years. He is a short haired, tight-muscled kid who, under normal circumstances is considered by society ashalf man, half boy Not yet dry behind the ears, not old enough to buy a beer, butold enough to die for his country. He never really cared much for work and he wouldrather wax his own car than wash his father's; but he has never collected unemploymenteither.
He's a recent High School graduate; he was probably an average student, pursued some form of sport activities, drives a ten year old jalopy, and has a steady girlfriend that either broke up with him when he left, or swears to be waiting when he returns from half a world away He listens to rock and roll or hip-hop or rap or jazz or swing and a 155 mmhowitzer.
He is 10 or 15 pounds lighter now than when he was at home because he is working or fighting from before dawn to well after dusk. He has trouble spelling, thus letter writing is a pain for him, but he can field strip a rifle in 30 seconds and reassemble it in less time in the dark. He can recite to you the nomenclature of a machine gun or grenade launcher and use either one effectively if he must.
He digs foxholes and latrines and can apply first aid like a professional. He can march until he is told to stop or stop until he is told to march. He obeys orders instantly and without hesitation, but he is not without spirit or individual dignity. He is self-sufficient He has two sets of fatigues: he washes one and wears the other.
He keeps his canteens full and his feet dry. he sometimes forgets to brush his teeth, but never to clean his rifle. He can cook his own meals, mend his own clothes, and fix his own hurts. If you're thirsty, he'll share his water with you; if you are hungry, hisfood. He'll even split his ammunition with you in the midst of battle when you run low.
He has learned to use his hands like weapons and weapons like they were his hands. He can save your life - or take it, because that is his job.
He will often do twice the work of a civilian, draw half the pay and still find ironic humor in it all. He has seen more suffering and death then he should have in his short lifetime. He has stood atop mountains of dead bodies, and helped to create them.
He has wept in public and in private, for friends who have fallen in combat and is unashamed. He feels every note of the National Anthem vibrate through his body while at rigid attention, while tempering the burning desire to 'square-away' those around him who haven't bothered to stand, remove their hat, or even stop talking. In an odd twist, day in and day out, far from home, he defends their right to be disrespectful. Just as did his Father, Grandfather, and Great-grandfather, he is paying the price for our freedom . Beardless or not, he is not a boy.
He is the American Fighting Man that has kept this country free for over 200 years He has asked nothing in return, except our friendship and understanding. Remember him, always, for he has earned our respect and admiration with his blood. And now we even have women over there in danger, doing their part in this tradition of going to War when our nation calls us to do so. As you go to bed tonight, remember this shot.. A short lull, a little shade and a picture of loved ones in their helmets
American Heroes,
Sunday, January 07, 2007
Hanging Hussein
Well the deed is done. And to be honest with you it has no effect on me. Not one of victory nor one of over reaction.
What I mean is, I am sure he deserved his demise for the attacks on those who tried to assassinate him. I am sure he is guilty of war crimes. I am sure he was not a benefit to society.
However, what I am also saying. Is since 9/11 we have been in Iraq, fighting this war that has progressively gotten worse. We lose more soldiers as time goes and what are really gaining? This is slowly turning into, a Veitnam type situation, a war we can not win.
And most of all, from my understanding Osama Bin Laden was behind the terrorists attacks. So why didn't we have a 6 year campaign against Bin Laden? Why so much time, money, and human life in Iraq? To get one thing straight, I am not anti-war. I also feel that we were attacked by Bin Laden and took action against Hussein. If anything, I would guess, we could have sided with Hussein and he would have apprehended Bin Laden within months. Some of you may say why would we want to side with him? Wake up..... do you realize that these crimes he was recently convicted of have years ago? In the 80's I believe, yeah back when we were giving them weapons to fight Iran, and giving Iran weapons to fight Iraq.
Here it is straight from the New York Post's Timeline on Oct. 19, 2005
Saddam is charged with crimes against humanity for killing of 148 Shiites in 1982. Yes 1982.
My point, you ask? This war has nothing to do with 9/11. This war had nothing to do with the price of tea in China either. But you can bet your ass it had something to do with the price of gas. Have terrorists threats gone down? nope! it has hovered around "amber" for 6 years. it is just like the weather, partly cloudy with a chance of rain.
So the next time you think the war is about fighting back against terrorism.... what 9/11 crime are we pursuing and what suspect?
I support our troops, and for some it's not their choice to be there either. I just would like it if this war was against terroism, that we would attack terroism, specifically Bin Laden and Al Quada. Iraq is going to have tremendous termoil no matter who is in charge...
And sadly enough here in America and most of the world to follow. Politics will be controlled by fossil fuels. Yes we are dependent, fossil fuels will be more valuable than money. Anyone remember Mad Max? A waste land fighting over fuel.....
What I mean is, I am sure he deserved his demise for the attacks on those who tried to assassinate him. I am sure he is guilty of war crimes. I am sure he was not a benefit to society.
However, what I am also saying. Is since 9/11 we have been in Iraq, fighting this war that has progressively gotten worse. We lose more soldiers as time goes and what are really gaining? This is slowly turning into, a Veitnam type situation, a war we can not win.
And most of all, from my understanding Osama Bin Laden was behind the terrorists attacks. So why didn't we have a 6 year campaign against Bin Laden? Why so much time, money, and human life in Iraq? To get one thing straight, I am not anti-war. I also feel that we were attacked by Bin Laden and took action against Hussein. If anything, I would guess, we could have sided with Hussein and he would have apprehended Bin Laden within months. Some of you may say why would we want to side with him? Wake up..... do you realize that these crimes he was recently convicted of have years ago? In the 80's I believe, yeah back when we were giving them weapons to fight Iran, and giving Iran weapons to fight Iraq.
Here it is straight from the New York Post's Timeline on Oct. 19, 2005
Saddam is charged with crimes against humanity for killing of 148 Shiites in 1982. Yes 1982.
My point, you ask? This war has nothing to do with 9/11. This war had nothing to do with the price of tea in China either. But you can bet your ass it had something to do with the price of gas. Have terrorists threats gone down? nope! it has hovered around "amber" for 6 years. it is just like the weather, partly cloudy with a chance of rain.
So the next time you think the war is about fighting back against terrorism.... what 9/11 crime are we pursuing and what suspect?
I support our troops, and for some it's not their choice to be there either. I just would like it if this war was against terroism, that we would attack terroism, specifically Bin Laden and Al Quada. Iraq is going to have tremendous termoil no matter who is in charge...
And sadly enough here in America and most of the world to follow. Politics will be controlled by fossil fuels. Yes we are dependent, fossil fuels will be more valuable than money. Anyone remember Mad Max? A waste land fighting over fuel.....
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